(FMT) - Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak admitted meeting Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan two days prior to the latter being allegedly sodomised by Anwar Ibrahim.
However, Najib said he had no knowledge of the June 26, 2008 (alleged sodomy) incident and therefore could not provide any information or relevant evidence on issues raised by the defence in the ongoing Sodomy II trial.
This was stated by Najib in his affidavit to support his application to set aside the subpeona compelling him to testify in the trial. His application would be heard on Thursday.
He also stated that prior to or after June 24, 2008, he never met the complainant, instructed anyone or conspirated with any individual to incriminate Anwar.
“I categorically deny any notion that my wife and I conspired in “mereka-rekakan ataupun mengada-adakan” anything which were very detrimental to the respondent (Anwar),” he said.
The affidavit, affirmed on Sept 23, also stated that Saiful only informed Najib of alleged sodomy incidents which took place prior to the June 26 incident. The prime miniser said he had advised Saiful to let the police investigate the matter.
Najib urged the court to set aside the subpeona on the ground that he strongly believes that the intention (to get him to testify) of the respondent (Anwar) was not in good faith.
According to the premier, it was just an attempt to abuse the process of the court.
Rosmah: I’m not a relevant witness
Meaawhile, Rosmah in her affidavit stated that she had never met or spoke with the complainant, and like her husband, denied involvement in any conspiracy against Anwar.
“I’m not a relevent witness in this trial, therefore the subpeona against me should be set aside,” read the affidavit.
Comments (37)...
written by R.Prem Kumar, September 27, 2011 20:03:05
Remember when 1 BN Frog jumped into Perak PKR arena & then 3 Frogs plus earlier Frog jumped out to oust the State Govt? Having secured the required amphibians, Najib then had audience wth Ruler who consented to new state govt. Then Najib with victory most foul reflected in body lingo announced with pink lip smacking gusto formation of BN State govt? Why, even then Najib had nothing to do wth all dat transpired, right? Hey Najib bro, u aroused the ire of those who voted in a govt of change. Now, with v r expected to believe SaiFool expected despite his poor scholarly record, to a scholarship? He wasted his PTPTN for what? V all know & understand how Ros the Flower Lady of M'sia conspired with u on this filthy episode & subsequent sexcapades video graphic of DSAI. Of cos why wld u want to face up to any questioning ìn court. Bro, this time its no longer wresting a state; its denying us the pleasure to kick ur ass out of Putrajaya. This time v wont ask the security perimeter fencing guards for permission to land a couple of good ones on ur buttocks & FLOM's buttox. ...
written by Shameless and immoral PM, September 27, 2011 19:28:32
Prime SInister Najib C4 is a shameless and immoral Leader of the country...
Najib has not a bit of shame and conscience to start off with....
Just go to the courts and be 'oiled' by Karpar Singh....do not act like a Girl and hide behing all your corrupted/greedy kangaroo judges, courts and AG chambers, Prosecutors..
Najib is a National shame and disgrace to the Office of the PMO......and to the who;e country and world..
Just kick this Toxic /unethical UMno-BN regime beasts /crooks led by Satan Dr. Evil mahthir and MafiaKing Najib and gangs !!!...
Najib and Mahthief strill think that the whole country and people bvelong to them ???Wake them up and hang them to death for looting, stealing, mus-use of powers and even for murders !!! ...
written by MK, September 27, 2011 18:42:01
PM Sir,
I have a serve financial problem. Could I just drive to Sri Perdana this weekend to met you. What is the password that I need to say to the gurds to be allowed in. Oh I know the password " Annuar" ...
written by bumiputar, September 27, 2011 17:59:33
wait, where all the luchio c***i c**k talking fellows?? quiet like F**king mouse. ...
written by Pro arte, September 27, 2011 17:17:10
Najib tells Saiful to go to the Police whatever for? We need to find out. Najib has to come to court to explain. Was Saiful applying for a scholarship to join the police force or was it related to his complaint to Najib that he was a victim of sodomy? If a rape victim has been advised to make a police report about the repeated abuse, one would be hard pressed to explain why the rape victim would go to the rapist to get raped again. Only 2 conclusions can be made. It was consensual sex and part of a police conspiracy to frame Anwar. In this scenario it could not be deemed to be rape and hence the charges are wrong. On the account alone, any conviction would be unsafe and hence Anwar should be acquitted. The other conclusion is that that this is a high level conspiracy involving Najib and that sodomy did not take place at all. Either way Anwar must be acquitted. ..
written by Kadi, September 27, 2011 16:57:32
The "sumpah" will become "sumpah-sumpah" Can they be denied...? Yes... coz, Jibby are fond of "sumpah-sumpah" ...
written by muttalif, September 27, 2011 16:39:28
Najib and Kak Ros will be attending the court case just to please the rakyat. Maklumlah nak ambil hati rakyat. PRU 13 is just around the corner ...
written by kancil, September 27, 2011 15:44:22
Only illiterate people will believe in them. Met Saiful 2 days prior to the alleged crime? For what??? Saiful came to let him sodomise him first so that the third dna was inside his rectum??? Rosmah not relevant witness??? Rosmah you better remember your root of javanese whom came to this land using my late great grandfather boat as a farmer in Gerisik Bukit Gambir Muar just like Musa Hassan and Tahrir Shamsuddin Johor Mufti.Dont imagine that you are from aristocrat family. ...
written by Rengan, September 27, 2011 15:38:36
written by Pegasus, September 27, 2011 15:35:26
Never trust a serpent with fork tongue! ...
written by F A Long, September 27, 2011 15:34:08
Just go to the court and answer as man. As a Muslim. God will be with you. ...
written by bruni, September 27, 2011 15:32:59
Mr PM. What I want to know is how in the world this saiful managed to get an appointment with PM? What is the protocol that he has gone thru? Is it just go and stand in front of the gate and tell the security guard that 'saya di liwat..jadi nak jumpa PM' will do? or 'Pakcik Guard, saya nak mohon biasiswa, jadi nak jumpa PM' then the guard says 'ok boleh masuk'. ...
written by arh, September 27, 2011 15:29:30
Lying to people is nothing when you can even lie to God by using the Quran to utter your sumpah.
He sumpah he didnt know Saiful
He sumpah he didnt know Altatunya
He sumpah he didnt know Ziana Zain
He sumpah money received from submarine purchase was not bribe but commission
He sumpah that Rosmah's pussy smells sweeter and more tasty than that of his ex-wife
Aayaaa...with so many sumpah even God gets confused and needs time to sort things out before deciding on the most appripriate action to take on Najib. We hope and pray that almighty God would
not stamp NFA on Najib's file. ..
written by gurjit, September 27, 2011 15:26:49
Sure we believe you.You are our most be.....deviled pm!No guts to face the LION of Courts?SHAME SHAME ...
written by promotheus, September 27, 2011 15:23:51
Carefully read Najib's statement: 'I categorically deny my wife and I...' Note Najib's repudiation of a JOINT conspiracy. He does not deny a personal conspiracy. Neat. ...
written by 1Najis, September 27, 2011 15:23:17
Leave this poor bastard Najis alone! Can't you all see attending court scare the shit out of him? There're too many lies in his shithead, he can't even talk straight and might got them mixed up in court.
As for RoastPorky, the only way to get her to court is to ask her to talk about her handbags. There is nothing else much really in her fatty brain, maybe just one or two about what she just eat...
written by AntiAPCO, September 27, 2011 15:07:01
Whatever happened to "Saya tidak takut pada Anwar!!"
And also... "Saya tahu banyak cerita Anwar, kalau saya cerita nanti dia DEMAM!"
Now... sapa takut and sapa demam?? ...
written by LMa, September 27, 2011 15:03:13
It shows Najib is very frightened. He could have answered all what he had stated in his affidavit during the examination in chief by Anwar's lawyer later.
I think there are a lot more things that he had asked Siful to do other than meeting Siful. The evidence clearly shows Siful's own sperm was found in his arse. Siful must have been counselled and advised to do such an abnormal thing. Why..Siful complained to the Pushrawi Dr that he had been sodomised by a plastic object. This must be the instrument to plant the semen, I suppose. ...
written by Bourne, September 27, 2011 15:01:10
How can Najib not be relevant as a witness. He met the Plaintiff, did he not? Anyway, affidavits are signed by individuals. Why is he speaking on behalf of his wife? Guilty as charged ...
written by Havoc, September 27, 2011 14:55:52
F**k it and go to court and get grilled by Anwar's lawyers. Then we will see some light at end of the tunnel. As far we Malaysians are concerned, we don't thrust Najis and fat mama. Both even say they don't know the miss from Mongolia. Ha! Ha. Mr. Kapal Singh waiting to grille both of you. Bai, main dia punyai belakang nanti. Najis when you speak you have very suspicious eyes. We don't believe in you anymore. F**k off UMNO and BN for good. ..
written by Fart Fart Wah, September 27, 2011 14:55:00
How did Saifool have a permit to enter through the backdoor....?? was he passed around in UMNO until he reached your backdoorstep?? CAn I just come and knock at your door too?? ..
written by nocha libre, September 27, 2011 14:43:44
Dear friends, read this snippet carefully.....
“I categorically deny any notion that my wife and I conspired in “mereka-rekakan ataupun mengada-adakan” anything which were very detrimental to the respondent (Anwar),” he said.
It's clear evident that NAJIS is drop dead frightened of " BUTT OX "... oops.....i mean BUTOX mama as even now he mentions " that my wife & I ...".
Get a life lah .... The entire world is laughing their ASS out at us.......
written by Rengan, September 27, 2011 14:24:51
Najib lost his balls and Rosmah shrink her gender in,just a snail hiding int it,s shell. ..
written by whereweheadto, September 27, 2011 14:16:07
You may fool the court but the public whose perception on you is down the bottom. ..
written by Poyolahkau, September 27, 2011 14:03:03
Yeah, right Najib, you are innocent. And Santa Claus exists too. ...
written by Watsasadday, September 27, 2011 14:02:42
Wow! I believe u like I believe pigs can fly.
Roast-ma baby can I see y tonight? I like to complain I got erectable defunction due to your nazib BS.
I know your door are always open to us. ...
written by Bullshit, September 27, 2011 14:01:53
Why are you afraid? No balls / bini ..
written by Vendetta 88, September 27, 2011 14:00:41
Talk is cheap. Any Ali, Muttu and AhChong can say whatever they like in public domain......just appear in court and tell all, show all if you have nothing to hide. ...
written by gotaneyedea, September 27, 2011 13:42:36
would it be different if his statement had read "I categorically deny any notion that NEITHER my wife OR (instead of 'and') I conspired in “mereka-rekakan ataupun mengada-adakan”? ..
written by Najib's fan, September 27, 2011 13:40:04
That;s fantastic, Najib!
I believe you!
Now go to Court and demolish Anwar with your testimony. Make him crumble like a ragged old man in Court before you. Make him come crawling and sobbing to your feet. Then you, in your benevolent self, help him up and console him. Show this scene all across Malaysian and the world!
WoW!!! You will singlehandedly send Pakatan Rakyat to stone-age and your political enemies will become your lap-dog.
The rakyat will worship you because of your graciousness in victory and will pray for your well-being. They will chant you name as you walk past.
Well, wouldn't you love that?
Now, quickly go to Court and show them your greatness!!! ..
written by LANLAH, September 27, 2011 13:39:51
written by mangchik, September 27, 2011 13:39:10
U lied the first time then u backtracked n u call yourself PM? Wow....
written by Fed-up, September 27, 2011 13:35:28
What for give afidavit? Go to court and explain lah. You have accussed Anwar of defending himslef from te dock. Now you are dead scare to come to the courts. You can say what you want, but the facts are that you met Saiful, whom you said is a nobody, a few days before the alleged sodomy took place. Everybody smells rat but you are trying to deny that. Pathetic sungguh... ...
written by malaysianforever, September 27, 2011 13:13:59
No need to give reasons. We know that both of them are real cowards. The mlae has lost his deflated balls. The FIRST COWARDS OF MALAYSIA!!! ..
written by bumiputar, September 27, 2011 13:13:53
oh..sure....dear pm, i need scholarship for pdh of sodomy study, would u care to support full fees? ...
written by Revolution, September 27, 2011 13:11:34
Najib is not conspiring against Anwar only . He and his Umno gang are conspiring against Malaysia .... ..
written by MIKE CHONG, September 27, 2011 13:08:50
Najib we need no explainations from you and Rosmah just attend the court hearing. Good luck.
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
What we Malaysians want to know is how in the world this “Shy-fool” managed to get an appointment with PM? Further, “nak liwat bontot lembu pon susah...ini kan pulak punggong manusia yang berbadan tegap dan besar??” Lu piker sendiri le rakyat Malaysia!!! Tak payah nak membazir jutaan wang rakyat kat mahkamah......
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