Political apostasy is the reason for the country’s ‘moral crisis’ in governance as reports of electoral roll anomalies and threats of violence take centre stage.
Meanwhile many letter-writers and others have said allegations of religious apostasy are a ploy to detract from the more serious problem of potential electoral fraud.
Political backsliding from the original Merdeka plan began in 1969 when Tunku Abdul Rahman was deposed in a coup, as described in Kua Kia Soong’s enlightening book, ‘May 13’.
Political victimisation is the unmistakable sign of an apostate political culture and Anwar Ibrahim among others is the country’s longest political victim and symbolise the alleged abuse of power through selective persecution and prosecution of politicians and citizens.
Former American ambassador John Mallot explains why: “a senior officer in the Special Branch told an Embassy officer, ‘We are going to keep filing charge after charge after Anwar so he will be in jail for the next hundred years’” as reported in Malaysia Chronicle.
Merdeka ushered in an era of national pride and development. The British had not envisaged Malaysia would desert its legacy of a constitutional democracy. The country promoted the motto ‘unity is strength’ and the Tunku was an icon of racial harmony and religious tolerance having married four wives, at different times, that represented the different races. ‘Bapa Kermedekaan’ was an apt title for a man who proved slogans are not only for show and political window-dressing but carrying and living out.
As the one who facilitated the dakwah movement and established Perkim, he did more than any other Malay leader for his race and his religion and he was never a threat to non-Malays while promoting religion, unlike those who use Islam as a political weapon today. He never stooped to scapegoat any group, be they of a different religion or race, to elevate himself.
The sense of propriety in politics though not perfect was then an honoured tradition. Merdeka saw an era and aura of sincerity and earnestness in politicians and citizens working together to serve the nation, not like today when politics has become the refuge of scoundrels who find it a route to riches.
The Tunku was a gentleman and never expected to be betrayed but lived long enough to die disappointed and disillusioned when he saw his Merdeka dream dashed and the country become a ‘failed politically apostate state’ though unilaterally declared ‘an Islamic state’ by those who actions were anything but Islamic or even decent.
Hail Malaysia’s Caesar
The political apostasy is the result of abandoning the Merdeka principles of democracy, among others, that were meant to develop the fledgling nation. The new Merdeka nation was supposed to function like the British democracy fashioned after the Westminster parliamentary system that was strong on political accountability, as we saw their dishonest politicians exposed, charged and convicted for allowances rorts.
Politics after Merdeka was not flawless—no system is—but took a different direction when the Tunku was politically waylaid. After May 13, 1969 it suffered a heavy blow that has left the Merdeka nation in a political coma and apostates and heretics of sorts continue to lead it astray.
In 1988 the judiciary was assaulted and the Lord President became a victim of political bastardry. A major constitutional check on the executive was hijacked and the moral slide got worse. To his credit the eminent judge stood his moral ground and his reputation was vindicated much later under a more benign country leader.
Political apostasy saw a modern-day Caesar control everything: the various arms of the government that were meant to check one another—the executive, the judiciary, parliament—and anything else that has a voice such as the media and passionate citizens. He even had a centurion who acted like a lap dog to do his bidding when the police were supposed to be professional and impartial law enforcers, not a private security firm at the beck and call of the politicians.
The courts could not be depended to deliver justice when it involved powerful politicians and their cronies because judge-fixing resulted in a skewed justice. The ‘Lingam video’ scandal examined by a royal commission proved the reality of justice tampering.
On the economic front while Dr Mahathir Mohammed defends the system including the NEP and admits “there may be corruption involved in some cases” he blithely dismisses his role in the ‘rotten administration’ that he left for his successor and did nothing about the cases of corruption despite the overwhelming reports made to the police.
While he did stimulate the economy with bold projects the flip side under his leadership was that the country lost billions, 100 billion ringgit according to author Barry Wain in his book Malaysian Maverick, and till today the bailouts continue. Some facts stand insurmountable in the face of unconvincing rhetoric, spin and more lies. When your country owns a petroleum company and there is plenty of money around anyone can perform an economic miracle or even a disappearing act.
But political apostasy can only accelerate during Mahathir’s tenure and the dysfunctional democracy today is the legacy for which he can take full credit. In the end Mahathir short-changed himself and succumbed to the dark side. The country had lost its constitutional checks and balances not in theory but in practice. It is truth when perception is supported by the facts.
It remains the tragedy and huge regret in Malaysian history because those crucial years could have been the golden opportunity to transform the nation according to the Merdeka ideals if there had been ‘clean, efficient and trustworthy’ governance because Mahathir as many Malaysians believe, had the ability to lead but instead his legacy is a nation of lost rainforests, lost freedoms and lost opportunities.
It does seem incredible that anyone can justify the NEP when those it was supposed to help still suffer in poverty and those entrusted to help them have prospered beyond imagination. Whether it is the system or those who implement it, the government is still responsible and accountable. There can be no excuse when there is brazen corruption and natives lose their traditional lands when the British gave us back ours.
The trouble with political apostates is their ruthlessness and hypocrisy. They care not for the plight of the poor, only themselves. They must think Malaysians are daft like the policeman who made a police report because his colleagues cheated him out of his share of the loot.
Comments (5).
written by educationist, September 02, 2011 09:47:56
"But political apostasy can only accelerate during Mahathir’s tenure and the dysfunctional democracy today is the legacy for which he can take full credit" - I will allow that uncrowned king to take full credit for this sad state of affairs and for that may he rot in hell for millenias to come!!
"Claiming political allegiance to no party she wants to save her country so ‘I can go to my grave in peace" - yes, it's time for more good rakyat of all race and religous denominations to do their bit for our nation in whatever capacity we can!!
We must not just sit in the fence, just stand idly by as the UMNOputras lead our nation down the path of decline and downfall.
The time is now, and each of us in our own way is the chosen one to put our nation back on the path to be a nation that can stall tall among the brotherhood of nations!! ..
written by flyer168, September 02, 2011 09:16:28
"Worse than murtad is political apostasy"
"The art of wayang kulit"...that will Backfire in the face of the Ketuanan UMNOputras !
MCA & MIC are component parties of UMNO/BN...
How come KIMMA which should have been a component party of UMNO/BN...
Have been absorbed into UMNO as UMNO members and behaving more Malay than the Malays...
To increase the UMNO Muslim membership/voter numbers ?
If that be the case, how come the Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association (MACMA) have not been invited to increase the numbers?
No wonder the Mamaks have become the mouthpiece/barking dog for UMNO to justify their membership...
Already one Mamak in UMNO.became the PEEM....
Very soon the "Ali Baba" culture in UMNO will end up having more Mamaks than Malay members...
Then it will be a permanent United Mamak National Organisation...Fait Accompli ?
The Ketuanan UMNOputras will have no more Party to call their own because of their "Ali Baba" attitude!
Finally to share this...
Malaysia needs Honest, Intelligent, Dedicated, Credible, Firm & Pragmatic Leaders like this...
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew – YouTube -
Singapore: Lee Kwan Yew: At 85, The Fire Still Burns By Ahmad Mustapha « Blog yOur Mind - http://all4one4all.wordpress.c...-mustapha/
Kuan Yew Ketawakan Malaysia‬†- YouTube -
You be the judge.
Shalom. ..
written by flyer168, September 02, 2011 08:57:55
"Worse than murtad is political apostasy"
A very well balanced article on the present decadent nation, syabas.
First to share this...
Our Bapak Merdeka Tunku Abdul Rahman's Prediction & advise to the Ketuanan UMNOputra leaders and rayaat then & now...
‪Tunku Abdul Rahman 1988 - "Biarlah Saya Mati Dalam Perjuangan"‬†- YouTube -
It is just a matter of time...
When the citizens cannot take it anymore...
Bankruptcy now firmly in sight: Are political games being played to hide this - http://www.malaysia-chronicle....entsAnchor
Next to share this...
"Give me the control of the credit of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws" - Nathaniel Meyer
The famous boastful statement of Nathaniel Meyer Rothschild, speaking to a group of international bankers, 1912:
"The few who could understand the system will either be so interested in its profits,
or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class,
while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system,
will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests"
Finally to share this...
John Perkins, a former employee of the American National Securities Agency, wrote a book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" in the 1980s.
Perkins' role as described in Wikipedia was "to convince the political and financial leadership of underdeveloped countries to accept enormous development loans from institutions like the World Bank and USAID.
Saddled with debts they could not hope to pay, those countries were forced to acquiesce to political pressure from the United States on a variety of issues
Perkins argues in his book that developing nations were effectively neutralized politically, had their wealth gaps driven wider and economies crippled in the long run..."
"Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly-paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars.
They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources.
Their tools included fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder. They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization."
When a country is indebted, it is dependent and subject to the whims and fancies of the various International lender and essentially loses authority over it's own affair.
That's recolonisation and loss of independence...."
Guess who are the International PR Con-sultans employed by Putrajaya to advise our Local Think-Tank con-sultans as advisors to Jibby & Co...
The Pemandu national key economic area lab series & Co...
Leading Bolehland to the present state of Political, Economic & Social Collapse...
Malaysia has effortlessly succumbed into the hands of the global Economic Hitmen (EHMs)...
You be the judge.
Shalom. ..
written by NottyMaus, September 02, 2011 01:07:10
The Merdeka nation is dying after 54 UMNO damned years.
It never made it to being a true nation.
One half-breed Indian brought it down.
One couple now burying it, while it's still dying. ...
written by Wally, September 01, 2011 21:13:17
The message in this well balanced article comes across so clearly without resorting to stoking the emotions. It simply sets out the way things were supposed to be versus how they are now perceived to be. It's left me feeling somewhat flattened, and I'm not a Malaysian. Ouch............
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
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