Francis also made a gaffe when he said that it was ok working with the former Prime Minister because all Mahathir did was to take 30%. It was more than a Freudian slip as Francis specifically said “HE taxes 30%” and not that it was taxed by the government.
By Jeffrey Ong
Recently, I was shocked to watch the Bloomberg interview with Francis Yeoh where it was revealed by Haslinda Amin that Francis Yeoh has benefitted so much from “his friend in powerful places” that today “more than 70% of YTL profits come from the power plants”.
Francis also made a gaffe when he said that it was ok working with the former Prime Minister because all Mahathir did was to take 30%. It was more than a Freudian slip as Francis specifically said “HE taxes 30%” and not that it was taxed by the government.
It is also disgusting to see how much money this crony of Mahathir has siphoned off to Singapore until today. According to Haslinda Amin, Francis now owns more than a third (ie 33.3%) of the power generation capacity in Singapore. So much of the hard earned money of Tenaga Nasional has been used to pay this crony until Tenaga is in the red despite raising tariffs and passing all the charges to all of us, the innocent helpless users of electricity.
So much subsidy is being given to the IPPs by way of the special gas prices, and to top it all, Mahathir has forced TNB to buy back the electricity at fixed prices with a sinful margin of profit to Francis (so Mamak Mahathir uses a greedy Christian to suck the blood of his own people).
As for Francis, how can such a cheat profess to be a Christian when one of the Ten Commandments clearly states "Thou Shall Not Steal" (in this case, mainly from the poor Malays). Perhaps Francis has a eleventh commandment which says it is alright if you steal for The Mamak.
While the old folks and the needy are all suffering in Malaysia, this hypocrite Francis said that he has taught his children the importance of the language of God. The only language these people know is the language of songlap money.
When the present government loses the next election, we should string them up by their short and curlies to show the world what a bunch of mean, heartless, blood suckers Mahathir and Yeoh have been. We would love to see them doing The Jailhouse Rock with their billions hanging from their b*lls.
Now that I have seen the pictures of Yeoh's children on Bloomberg, I will know in which direction I will spit at, the next time I bump into them in their Lot 10, Marriot, Ritz Carlton, Vistana and all these ill gotten properties from the IPP rip-off, planned by Mahathir the hypocritical Muslim, carried out by crony Francis whose self-proclaimed commandment “I shall steal and use God’s name in vain.”
Vote these people out the next coming elections or we will have to continue to stomach their fart face, nonsensical arrogance. We are paying through our noses for higher and higher electricity bills for their extravagant life-styles.
I was at Mahathir’s open house in Seri Kembangan on Sunday, just to see what type of person he is and you know what? He is two faced; pretending to smile, pretending to listen, pretending to care for the future of Malaysia when in fact all he is doing is trying to save his image, which we all know today is nothing but a farce.
Mahathir's true friend are Daim who raped the nation of billions, Tajudin Ramli who plundered MAS and the nation of more billions, Syed Mokhtar who was practically given control of the nation’s rice bowl to siphon more easy billions.
And this bunch of idiots are still in the country.
Let’s make the Opposition win the election and throw all these shit bags in jail where they rightly belong.
I was told by the CEO of MRCB that Daim has in fact whispered to Mahathir that UMNO needs to use the MyKad to register as voters all the Indonesians and other immigrant Muslims so that they can try to cheat in the coming election. In return, Mahathir has told Francis to use the “YES” network. 4G means “For Goreng” so that they can spy on all the youngs' emails correspondence.
For a start, we say “no” to Francis' 4G so that they cannot spy on what we are emailing or talking through our devices and apps. Just ask ourselves a simple question: Can we believe that Francis the f*ck face is a good man and really wants to help Malaysia, or is he a running dog of Mahathir to give him all our hard earned money, and all our private information?” After all, Francis did give the interview in Singapore in the Singapore flyer with Haslinda Amin, and not in Malaysia, both smiling across the Singapore skyline and saying how clever they are and how dumb the Malaysians are.
Having lived abroad myself, I have never encountered such a display of self-glorification when he should know darn well the only reason he is rich is because he sucks Mahathir’s b*lls and they both cheat the Rakyat. As a lying, stealing, fake Christian by any counts, he should be the first to be thrown into Hell when his day of rekoning is here.
All Malaysians should ask why the heck am I paying so much for my electricity bills so that these Nimcompoops can go around as high fliers? Why the heck was the interview held in Singapore? Francis can’t even be proud to be Malaysian. We are so dumb to be cheated day and night by these idiots!
A reassessment is needed of Mahathir Mohammad who is nothing more than the worse human being ever brought to this planet earth. The late Hussein Onn made the bloody mistake of choosing this mamak and sidelined Razaleigh, that’s why when in Onn’s later years he chose to join Pakatan Semangat 46.
Najib nearly joined 46 but as a hen-pecked lalang, what do you expect? Muhyiddin, a racist by definition is nothing more than Syed Mokhtar’s puppet, and by extension Mahathir’s puppet. Zahid has no brains. Hishammuddin, nothing between his ears, should refrain from using his father’s name or grandfather’s name in vain because if UMNO is to benefit these fake Christians like Francis Yeoh, when there are so many other better and true Christians in Malaysia being thrown the petrol bomb in their church by people inspired by Perkasa, which is Mahathir again! So there you have it, there is no one worth our while in this God forsaken, beer drinking government.
So, the new Ten Commandments for a better Malaysia : -
1. “Bersih bills” - protest with a new round of Bersih your electric bills unless you have no problems giving your hard earned money to Mahathir.
2. Boycott yes 4 Goreng 4G – keep your info private.
3. Cancel your yes 4G if you did not know their true intentions.
4. Boycott all their shopping malls or hotels – do this from today.
5. Tell your best friends about this crook Mahathir Mohamad.
6. Read in Malaysia Today about San Mirzan and his beer land grabbing plot – tell 50 friends each about this and spread the gospel.
7. Remember that this mamak family drinks beer and not teh tarik when you go to their open house.
8. Spit at their children when you see them – whether mamak’s kids, Francis' kids, or Daim’s kids, and continue to expose these blood suckers. Do not let their children have half a chance to pretend to be able to live like quasi aristocrats when they are children of crooks.
9. Put them in jail, not Anwar.
10. Register now to vote for a new government and a real future for our country.
Comments (19)...
written by lynn, September 09, 2011 18:41:12
Toll concessionaires raked in RM13bil in profits
To make our pain worse, toll concessionaires who are making BILLIONS are being compensated by the government. Can u repeat that please? They make huge profits and get compensation? What the F**k is wrong with you bloody useless braindead morons bn voters? What the F**k is wrong with you?
Next! Jibby wants to charge you poor mudderfcukers 6% on your prepaid cards. So tax the poor and compensate the billionaires. Eh, bn voters, go fcuk yourselves hard. ...
written by Kaneeneh, September 09, 2011 11:12:33
one of the best plunder robbing rape of malaysia ever written. we are really a nation of gullible fools, screwed left right and center by these crony crooks. ..
written by onnetline, September 09, 2011 10:55:27
What more can we tell about this corrupted ex-tyrant and racist SOB, Toon MahaTahi a/l Kutty of Kerala origin ? .
written by avj, September 09, 2011 10:36:25
Francis Yeoh YTL Mahatier and the other crony mfs are laughing their asses out because they have screwed us the Malaysian rakyat right royal. They will continue to do so if we don't stand up and do everything possible to throw out the UMNO Bahru /BN government out and put these criminals in jail where they belong ..
written by IbnAbdHalim, September 09, 2011 10:35:27
Dr Mahathir, after his retirement, once said that he never took a sen, and in my many comments agreed with him that he never took a sen but millions or perhaps billions. And now Francis Yeoh has proved that. It's only a matter of millions or billions that have not been verified. That's why I said I'd piss on his grave if Islam allows. ...
written by wangi, September 09, 2011 09:48:57
I never like the way Mahathir ran the country and have always been suspicious with the way some of our companies, including YTL, get their government contracts. I was therefore intrigued by this letter, one paragraph in particular which reads:-
Francis also made a gaffe when he said that it was ok working with the former Prime Minister because all Mahathir did was to take 30%. It was more than a Freudian slip as Francis specifically said “HE taxes 30%” and not that it was taxed by the government.
The way Jeffrey Ong puts it in the paragraph quoted above, in particular the words “HE taxes 30%” and not that it was taxed by the government", Francis Yeoh was telling that the 30% went to Mahathir personally and not to the government. I decided to listen to the recorded interview, twice in fact and three times for the part on the 30%.
It appears to me that Jeffrey Ong has either failed to understand this particular section of the interview or he has deliberately taken those words regarding the 30% out of context. The way I understand it in the context of the entire interview, when Francis Yeoh said "if they make money, so what I will tax him 30%", (taken from the 3rd part of the recorded interview) he clearly meant that it was the government that takes the 30%. The ""I"" that Mahathir referred to was clearly the government, not himself personally.
Although this does not necessarily mean that Mahathir had not taken something for himself, I suggest that people writing critiques should do so in such a way that they don't lose credibility themselves. In the case of Jeffrey Ong's letter, because of the one paragraph I have quoted, his entire letter has lost credibility. .
written by justice seeker, September 09, 2011 08:59:15
Francis also made a gaffe when he said that it was ok working with the former Prime Minister because all Mahathir did was to take 30%. It was more than a Freudian slip as Francis specifically said “HE taxes 30%” and not that it was taxed by the government.
By Jeffrey Ong
Recently, I was shocked to watch the Bloomberg interview with Francis Yeoh where it was revealed by Haslinda Amin that Francis Yeoh has benefitted so much from “his friend in powerful places” that today “more than 70% of YTL profits come from the power plants”.
Francis also made a gaffe when he said that it was ok working with the former Prime Minister because all Mahathir did was to take 30%. It was more than a Freudian slip as Francis specifically said “HE taxes 30%” and not that it was taxed by the government.
written by panca, September 09, 2011 00:56:46
Didn't I already say "religions" are big business? Now I have said about this holyeo man who claimed as a 'Christian' is nothing than anyone who would say anything God to have you believed his way to God is truly the Christian way he professed to live, work and earn for! Oh please, 'god' help you guys who follow his way of telling great story of religion and his journey to where he is now! Sorry I don't buy story with people like him with his blardy arrogance that he claimed as if his actions were God sanctioned as he seemed to point to whenever he boast about his $uCC€$$€$ that he further that is clean unlike those like Vincent and Uncle Lim who have gaming business(well, at least they don't boast about religion and what one God is all about and they too are open with what they did as what businessmen do, no hypocrisy).
This moled-fart faced must be sent down by his god to do what the religion that he believes granted him the permission to do what he likes and intepret the way religion should be; perhaps those who work for him knows pretty well that if they cheat outside is ok as long they do not cheat on his(good business religious sense).
Yes, didn't I say religions are big business? Yes pay more and you can go to heaven, is this not what is doing? Just how hypocritical when you can see when people(rich and successful) talk too much and arrogantly about God in their business? WTF! If you are a Christian or God thing, my advice is don't try to entertain other with God story, just be a good believers self, we have heard too much of arrogance of belief!
If you want to help, help with a good human heart, no need to outsell yourself to others to proselytise others! I am not anti religions, I am anti arrogance and religions peddling!
Yes but not YES, stop using YES, as our dear writer has pointed out and I can't agree more. This type of people who talk about their conviction is no different with the good story-tellers of the ancient times, their acts are as corrupted, not shrewd thinking but screwed and yes, when you deal with him, you will be screwed good and proper and talk big business and god!
I do not lose respect for the senior Yeo though but the show of this boy makes everyone thinks the saint has been him! Pleaaasssse! BTW what is YES stand for? Yo Enters Stephani? Enjoy yourself! I remember the cig brand GOLD LEAF when as a young boy, the newspaper vendor, an Arab descent who spoke good english asked me what it stands for which I did not have the faintest idea then but he was too glad to tell me while he puffed his cig and pointed to his cig box and said, Go On Lying Down, Let's Enjoy Another Fcuk! So there you go, Francis, GOLD LEAF to you and also to all voters who believe what Francis and Mahatiu have done good and going to heaven!
You guys really believe that! Oops, sorry again, belief huh! ...
written by Middle Path, September 09, 2011 00:29:20
These people wont live a happy lives even they are dead ..
written by Sribayu, September 09, 2011 00:20:52
In malaysia privatisation policies is simply mean privatise the profit & socialise the losses. In the event the "crook" is not making money, the government would buy over at a certain price, such as the bailout of MAS."
Rakyat forever bayar taxes & berhutang sampai mati.....
UMNO KImak..... ..
written by Nixcloud, September 09, 2011 00:02:03
mamakthir and the yeoh's god is the chinese God of Fortune... they are def. not muslim or christian ..
written by Hanuman, September 08, 2011 22:04:58
Mamak is the worst animal the rakyat had ever encountered. He is unscrupulous, highly immoral and swindled even the poor, helpless and handicapped. If Francis has any conscience, brains and dignity, he should donate generously to the poor and handicapped. Let not the curse and condemnations of the rakyats be a burden and constant shadow to him and his family for all the rotten gains he made with the help of the bastard Mamak. ..
written by syd, September 08, 2011 21:59:37
mahathir's legacy will be with us, whether we like it or not, in the form of excessive government spending and crony contract inflation for another 30 years.
only after 30 years can the government focus on spending cuts i.e. after one sided contracts which forces the government to subsidise monopolies, expires. ...
written by uxzee, September 08, 2011 21:38:26
Mahathir started his set of Chinamen, Indian men and Malay cronies, Abdullah followed and tried to outdo Mahathir. Najib has gone to one level higher and worse his Rosmah has also got her set of cronies. This disease is so entrenched and rampant that the only cure is to vote BN out. Nobody can help cure this disease, not MACC, not PDRM, not the EC, not AG, not the Judiciary infact no one. Malaysians got to decide and vote BN out. ..
written by singhkris, September 08, 2011 20:22:01
Jeffery, you are a jerk! Why are you not angry with Mamathir who is the cause of this. Which Chinamen would throw away money thrown at him. You are a hypocrite Chinaman because you would have done exactly what Francis has done! The Malays are not angry with Mamathir though he screwed them royally with these types of deals. .
written by bengali kunday, September 08, 2011 20:11:22
Typical. You went to great man's open house, enjoyed his hospitality then you slag him off. .
written by Angela Ooi, September 08, 2011 19:59:29
This is a fine example of an anointed ROBBING HOOD...and many merry other
bandiTS thriving in BolehTAKbolehBodohLand ...
written by albert zacharias, September 08, 2011 19:34:04
Wah ...Francis bought 11 pastors dinner and gave them pocket money lah. How pastor Chew???? You ate his food bought with ill gotten/stolen money lah! What a revealation. ...
written by Don Corleone, September 08, 2011 19:23:29
Mamakthir - the father of institutionalised corruption. Allah keeps him alive so that he can see the day that Bolehland is governed by Pakatan and investigations are instituted for his abuse of power.
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
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