The trouble is these Malays measure the size of your balls according to the size of the cock’s balls. And to qualify as a man you must have balls the size of a cock’s balls. They are not concerned whether you have brains bigger than a cock’s brains.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
You may have noticed that the ‘hot’ news these past few weeks is all about so-and-so challenging so-and-so to do this, that or the other. Mat Sabu challenges so-and-so, Khairy Jamaluddin challenges so-and-so, so-and-so challenges Anwar Ibrahim, so-and-so challenges Najib Tun Razak, and whatnot.
And these challenges are followed by allegations of takde telur, takde batu, takde pelir (which all means no balls or, as the Chinese would say, boh chuntoi), pondan (transvestite), eunuch, and so on.
This is very revealing of the Malay cock syndrome. And this is also revealing of the Malay penchant for cock fighting, which is still a favourite pastime in the Malay heartland such as the East Coast -- where many macho Malay males love their cocks more than their wives.
Woe to any wife who cuts off the head of her husband’s cock and serves it for dinner. Wives have suffered divorce for less than that. A man’s cock is a sacred cow, and just like any sacred cow, one does not slaughter it and serve it for dinner.
A fierce cock that has never lost a fight is a man’s prized possession. He would proudly parade his champion cock all over the kampong for all and sundry to admire. A champion cock would be worth its weight in gold. It would be worth more than four wives combined in terms of commercial value. You could marry four wives for less than the cost of a champion cock.
A fierce fighting cock is a cock with balls. Although I have never yet seen where the balls are, I assume they must be hidden there somewhere. If not they would not be such fierce fighters.
To these Malays, a man is judged by how close he resembles a fighting cock. And a man who does not rise to the challenge is a man who takde telur, takde batu, takde pelir, boh chuntoi, or is a pondan, eunuch, and so on.
It is that simple. I challenge you, you accept. You don’t accept, then you takde telur, takde batu, takde pelir, boh chuntoi, or are a pondan, eunuch, and so on.
That is why Malays love Hindi movies. Hindi movies always start with the baddie terrorising the entire village. Then along comes the hero who gets beaten up to the point of death as he stands up for the democratic rights and civil liberties of the entire community. He then recovers from his injuries and singlehandedly defeats the baddie and his army of 65 toughies, plus in the end he gets to marry the most beautiful girl in the village. These are movies made for the Malay mind.
I too have received my share of challenges and my share of allegations of takde telur, takde batu, takde pelir, boh chuntoi, pondan, eunuch, and so on. To these Malays, a real man would subject himself to a sham trial based on mala fide charges and fabricated evidence. And if you do not dare face this travesty of justice and manipulation of the judicial process, then you takde telur, takde batu, takde pelir, boh chuntoi, or are a pondan, eunuch, and so on
The trouble is these Malays measure the size of your balls according to the size of the cock’s balls. And to qualify as a man you must have balls the size of a cock’s balls. They are not concerned whether you have brains bigger than a cock’s brains.
I really don’t know how big the cock’s balls are. But I am more concerned with saving my balls, whatever size they may be. So I use my brains, which are bigger than a cock’s brains, and not my balls to make my decisions.
I am not sure what decision I would make if I use my balls to make these decisions. But by using my brains to make decisions I think I am able to make better decisions and in that same process save my balls as well.
I suppose this is because I have a better brain than these types of Malays who may have gone to university but yet still use their balls rather than their brains to make decisions. And since they use their balls rather than their brains to make decisions they do not always make the cleverest of decisions.
This is the problem with Malays who suffer from the cock syndrome. They think like cocks and use their balls in deciding things. I refuse to think like a cock so I use my brains. And that is why these types of Malays can never match me. They can’t come even close.
They may have gone to university at the expense of the taxpayers -- 90% of whom are Chinese, according to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. But they still refuse to use their brains in making decisions in spite of their education. They still use the cock as the basis of whatever they do.
Sigh…you can take the Malay out of the kampong, but how do we take the cock out of the Malay? They still think like cocks and use their balls rather than their brains in making decisions.
This is what caused Dr Mahathir to cry during the Umno General Assembly. And during the interview he gave soon after he retired in 2003, he lamented about how he had failed to change the Malays.
Basically, Dr Mahathir realised that the Malays still use their balls instead of their brains and they go through life like prized cocks and because of this the Malays are going to be a lost race in time to come.
Comments (21)
written by malaysianohope, September 06, 2011 18:56:11
Hello Harry,
Pete's description of your dare to Mat Sabu to that of a c**k fight is spot on. I'm sure Oxford did not taught you to think with your dick instead of your brain. Looks like my taxed money has gone down the drain in trying to educate you. Malu! ...
written by Lady Gaga, September 06, 2011 12:39:33
Well the PM s balls is kept by the First Lady .... With her face, I guess the first thing when Najib goes home she would demand him to strip and show her his balls ......
Most politicians here or people in power thinks more with their brains below than their brains on top .... guess their brains down there is bigger than their brains on top .... ..
written by hellosunshine, September 06, 2011 12:10:24
Hey, no fair. Not all Malays are so c**ky but having said that most would like to strut their stuff materialistically with flashy clothes or fancy cars or alternatively, with religious clothes and goatees. Most Chinese are pragmatic, count every red cent, totally kiasu on their kids' education and future and most times racist too with their malai kwai, keling kwai, kwai lou and all other races 'kwais' (devils). Of course, MCA eunuchs are kwais too lah. As for the Indians, the jury is out undecided, just like the Indians with their flip flop behavior and many breakaway parties like MIC, PPP, Hindraf and what not. ...
written by wangi, September 06, 2011 08:03:10
This article could have deserved 100% marks if not for the statement which says: "They may have gone to university at the expense of the taxpayers.. But they still refuse to use their brains in making decisions in spite of their education. They still use the c**k as the basis of whatever they do."
The fact is that half of the "they" referred to did not get subsidised by taxpayers to attend university because of their brains, or because of the desire to further develop their brains. Therefore the phrase "in spite of their education" does not apply to them.
Maybe they "still use the c**k as the basis of whatever they do" despite attending university because at university they develop their c**ks, and not their brains? ...
written by educationist, September 06, 2011 06:11:24
Well, RPK I'm sure it's not only the Malay c**k syndrome we have in our country!! ...
written by Oscar Winner, September 06, 2011 01:20:19
The UMNOputras have no time for fighting koks or indulge in kok fighting as a pastime. But they have hell lot of time to feel proud to talk big about how their four wives would fight for their prized possession ie the effing kok. Their pea-sized brains are used only for talking kok and plotting how to steal more from the rakyat, and steal others’ wives as well .
written by panca, September 06, 2011 00:27:16
Someone wanted to give me a c**k(I mean the real c**k; the malay prized bird for winning in c**k-fighting) I was rather indecisive to keep it as a pet as he wanted to give away, now I have no better reason not to accept it as a gift and I am naming it Kockairy!
written by Motherchell, September 06, 2011 00:23:39
and since an OXY educated moron needs an explanation in the most simplest of words without a squeamish---let me put it in his own words!!! I wonder if he has the acorns to rebut!!!! ...
written by doggone, September 05, 2011 23:26:02
Hey, while we're at it, please don'T leave out the chinese. Our big c**k brother in mca also think with his willie. He shoved his 'ayam' balls deep into A.Yam remember? ...
written by Admiral Tojo, September 05, 2011 23:10:07
EErrrr Pete, does this mean that Roastmah has balls/c**k. I wonder.
Shalom ...
written by Revolution, September 05, 2011 22:41:15
To compare with c**k's brains is maybe not fair for these malays . To compare with Sparrows brain would be more fair . ...
written by earthman, September 05, 2011 21:56:23
They think with their balls? Is that why they marries four, marries and divorces as they wish , watch porno , to recharge their brains?
Unless they humble themselves and think with their brains, they will remain backward and forever depend on hand outs and special rights.
The testes or 'balls' are inside the c**ks. When I am a small boy , a man would come to my kampung on his bike and play a flute to let the people know. We would then catch the male or c**ks and hand over to this man for castration. He uses no medication but just make a small slit at the side of the c**k , somewhere right below the wings. There is no bleeding . He would then uses a string to lift out the testes and cut it. We would pay him one dollar for each c**k. A castrated c**k or 'yam kay in Hokkien ' would grow bigger and the meat tender . that's the purpose. Mine mom would then fried the testes with the vegetables . Its tasty -good. ...
written by MAMR, September 05, 2011 21:43:51
At the present moment THE UMNO CHIEF DIDNOT USE HIS c**k BALL BRAIN BUTT!! uses something in his kneehead to think instead of the brain in his head.That is why we can see so many decisions which are totally unfair and controversial. However were made winners eventually.To all Rakyat its time we dump the Ghadaffi's UMNO Govt by 13th GE and we can change for the better!!!!
written by Ocassey, September 05, 2011 21:25:45
" Melayu Tak Hilang Di Dunia ! "
After this article of BLH (Boh Lan Hood) and BLP ( Boh Lan Par ) of fighting c**kerels the above icon statement will become ...
( Exported as maids, servants and labourers to Indonesia , Philippines , East Timor, Khmer , Sri Lanka , Nepal ,Bangladesh , Laos , Myanmar ). ...
written by Hanuman, September 05, 2011 21:07:26
"A man’s c**k is a sacred cow"...............You can say that again! Ha ha ha! ..
written by arazak, September 05, 2011 21:06:10
Very true. . ., the Malay lives revolved around c**k. That is why they have songs about c**k too. . .;
Ayam song by the comedian/actor Jalil Hamid;
Bermacam ayam
Ada ayam kampung, ayam hutan, ayam siam
ayam turki, ayam belanda
Ayam Hutan, boleh terbang
Ayam kampung dalamlah reban
Ayam bandar di dalam pasar
Si ibu ayam
Telor sebijik
Riuh sekampung
Kata bidalan, berkaki ayam
kalau makan, ajak-ajak ayam.
Kalau nak tidur, tidur-tidur ayam
Kalau tak nampak itu rabun ayam
Makan leher ayam nanti bersanding kepala teleng
Makan tongkeng ayam nanti mulut tak reti diam
Makan kepak ayam peha ayam dada ayam
Satu tak boleh makan jangan makan bulu ayam ...
written by SoundMan, September 05, 2011 21:03:14
Awesomely brilliant. Made me tear-up whilst reading this unique scintillating write up of the Malay male...
We have to come to the sad conclusion that the UMNO males have c**k balls - happily does not include PM Najib, he's fortunately wedded to a woman that wears the pants.
Malay balls, hidden to the eye, buried away, always brought to the fore- whereas clear intellectual discourse was what's required. ...
written by Angela Ooi, September 05, 2011 20:53:46
Dear RPK, you are head n shoulders above the typical (especially duMNOputra) Moolayus who normally use their SMALLER heads.
These only know how to make lots of din, much like watching the c**kerels crow in the mornings beating their manly chests when they don't have the lst damn thing to crow about. ..
written by malsia1206, September 05, 2011 20:44:13
If they have been making decisions with their balls instead of their brains, how come so many UMNOputras are making millions and billions and getting away with their ill-gotten wealth?
Mahathir was fortunate he could not change the Malays during his tenure as PM. If he could, he would never become the PM in his time. They would all have been too smart for him. .
written by betasigma, September 05, 2011 20:33:45
rpk,were u looking at an oxford graduated c**k while fixing up this write up,weren't u???lol .
written by malchindian, September 05, 2011 20:26:04
Kakakakaka! oops!
Damn it, I spilt another coffee reading this brilliantly written piece!
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
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