The Prophet Muhammad has cautioned Muslims about attacking other religions
suppose there are as many munafiqs amongst the Christians as there are amongst the Muslims. And these Christian munafiqs will scream and shout Jesus’s name but when it comes time to choose the new government they will still choose the government that is backing the Christianity-bashing campaign.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Christian groups permit prostitution, says report
(Malaysiakini) - Harping on the controversial issue of an "apostasy movement" by Christian groups, Malay language daily Sinar Harian today stepped up its criticisms and accused the movement of encouraging free mingling between the sexes and permitting prostitution.
Yesterday, the daily gave extensive coverage to a so-called "apostasy movement" in its regular Monday column, Bicara Isnin.
In the second part of the column published today, scathing allegations were levelled against the 'Christian movement' and were listed in an information text box titled Matlamat gerakan Kristian (Objectives of the Christian movement).
Sinar Harian listed four items that it said are among other programmes afoot "to destroy Muslims":
1. Social movement: encouraging free mingling between the sexes;
2. Moral degradation: damaging moral values with wild activities;
3. Permitting prostitution as a service occupation; and
4. Films and music: inserting negative or extreme elements and excessive music that leads to heedlessness and negligence.
The daily did not elaborate on these allegations.
That was what Malaysiakini reported today. It looks like some Malaysian Muslims -- with the endorsement of the Malaysian government -- are now stepping up the attacks. And they are not only attacking the Christians but also beginning to attack Christianity itself.
The Prophet Muhammad has cautioned Muslims about attacking other religions. If you attack other religions then you will trigger a reaction or retaliation and then those of the other religions will also attack Islam, argued the Prophet.
If the Muslims accuse Christianity as being an immoral religion that encourages and promotes free sex, then the Christians will accuse Islam of the same thing. And it would be easier to attack Islam because many issues related to slavery and permission to have sex out of wedlock with slaves is well documented.
“Slavery is a part of Islam,” said Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan, according to the independent Saudi Information Agency, or SIA.
Al Fawzan – a member of the Senior Council of Clerics, Saudi Arabia's highest religious body – says Muslims who contend Islam is against slavery "are ignorant, not scholars."
"They are merely writers," he said, according to SIA. "Whoever says such things is an infidel."
Al-Fawzan's best-known textbook, "Al-Tawheed – Monotheism," says most Muslims are polytheists, and their blood and money are therefore free for the taking by "true Muslims."
Furthermore, Islam not only permits slavery and has never banned or outlawed slavery, but Islam also permits the slave-owner or master to have sex with his slaves.
Slaves are considered your property so you can do what you wish with your property.
READ MORE HERE:,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Slavery
I think Muslims need to pull the brakes on this Christian-bashing exercise. When you run down another religion then followers of that religion would also attack Islam. However, when they attack Islam, Muslims would get angry and threaten revenge and bloodshed.
I have said this before: the Muslims are Islam’s greatest enemy. It is the conduct of Muslims that is giving Islam a bad name. This is the sad reality of this whole Christian-bashing exercise.
It looks like the damage has been done. The feelings of the Christians have been hurt beyond repair. It will take a long time for these wounds to heal. In the meantime, many Christians are going to demonstrate their disgust in the next election.
But of course, not all the Christians are going to vote against the government in the coming election. There will still be many Christians who think only of their personal interest. They will foam at their mouth talking about their Lord Jesus and so on. Then, come the election, they will still vote Barisan Nasional.
I suppose there are as many munafiqs amongst the Christians as there are amongst the Muslims. And these Christian munafiqs will scream and shout Jesus’s name but when it comes time to choose the new government they will still choose the government that is backing the Christianity-bashing campaign.
Maybe it is good that these people bash the Christians and Christianity. That will teach these Christian munafiqs a lesson.
Translated into Chinese at:
Comments (22)..
written by choong, August 25, 2011 22:55:13
syd, just because the state govt is silent it doesn't mean that there are no churches being built. in kota kemuning area, a site has been alienated for building of a methodist church and the construction works are ongoing. .
written by Devoe, August 25, 2011 15:35:57
I think Muslims need to pull the brakes on this Christian-bashing exercise. When you run down another religion then followers of that religion would also attack Islam. However, when they attack Islam, Muslims would get angry and threaten revenge and bloodshed.
I think that is so damn true. ..
written by brotherhood, August 24, 2011 23:13:22
Betul org Sarawakian sokong BN.
Sekarang api jadi Bible masih tak boleh pakai perkataan ALLAH.
Dalam pilihan raya yang akan datang.
Kadazan, Dusun dan Murut fikir baik baik lah. ..
written by roggon, August 24, 2011 20:15:52
"I suppose there are as many munafiqs amongst the Christians as there are amongst the Muslims. And these Christian munafiqs will scream and shout Jesus’s name but when it comes time to choose the new government they will still choose the government that is backing the Christianity-bashing campaign."
written by Fart Fart Wah, August 24, 2011 17:22:42
Utusan Mooolayu accuses Christians of promoting prostitution. I think Islam promotes legal prostitution by marrying four divorcing and remarrying by circumventing the Koran. On top of that Utusan MOOlayu covers up temporary marriages among Muslims sometimes as short as one day to 3 months just for sex.(Nik?? al-Mut?ah). As far as I know there is nothing in the Bible that promotes prostitution or temporary marriages unlike this verse in the Koran.'' So for those of whom you have pleasure with them (by the contract), you are required to give (them) their wages. And there is no sin for you in what you both agree after the requirement..." (Quran 4:24) So is the Koran promoting legalized prostitution?
So before they accuse others of prostitution..better check their own backyard..who knows someone maybe is screwing their wives quietly and paying them off." bloody fools morons of the Malay kind !!!!
written by Fart Fart Wah, August 24, 2011 10:42:13
Agreed..many Christians like Muslims will vote UMNO for feeding them directly.Very especially our Christian Ministers in Sabah..very quiet.. I heard some have Muslim names but do not practice..
As for attacking Islam..enough said..with UMNO we do not have to attack Islam. UMNO itself is enough to destroy Islam in Malaysia. This country of ours will be even more beautiful if UMNO is dead. It will be good for Islam and it will be good for the citizens. ..
written by Merdeka, August 24, 2011 10:17:35
The publisher, the actor are very stupid! Since when less then 10% can be that powerful?! I don't know whether me poor on maths or I never updates my maths. ..
written by NSidhu, August 23, 2011 23:05:16
Can't divide them by race anymore? Hey I know, let's go back to basics and start dividing by religion instead.
written by Tohoen, August 23, 2011 22:54:38
I admit that there is a problem of confusion among Christians here. Many in this group of Christians who keep on voting in the BN government election after election because they have overstretch Romans 13 - i.e. the subject of submission to authority. There Paul said Christians should submit to authority. So many interpreted that no matter how corrupted or evil or wicked the Government is, they should strictly follow the teaching of Romans 13 and vote the current Government, which they take as 'authority' placed by God.
They seem to misunderstand that voting out a corrupted Government should not be equated with 'rebellion' against authority. Voting against a corrupted, wicked Government means voting against injustice, which what every God fearing humankind should do!
They seem to believe that voting in the current Government (though a corrupted and wicked one) is 'submission to authority' which is the teaching in Romans 13.
So that is why they became 'munafiqs!' But of course there are also many 'wolves in sheep clothing' too! .
written by SiHangChai, August 23, 2011 22:47:03
Islam never bashes other religions. In fact, it is OK if one chooses not to be a Muslim. The most importance is self-believe and at the end of eternity, it is the belief and taught to be a good human being. In Malaysia, Islam has been twisted and turned by so-called scholars perhaps fake ones and non-Islam are sin religions. Rubbish. Who is more sin in condemning other religions and forcing others to convert? Dont dirty Islam with self-definition. Practice pure Islam and respect other religions. ...
written by Motherchell, August 23, 2011 22:44:12
I dont think Sinar Harian writers ever read and act beyond their bedrooms!! Its already a fact that prostitution is an age old profession---nothing new --- its exists in all religious orders. What they fail to say is how UMNO Islam uses sex and slavery to plunder the Nation. They know how to negate what is truly going on in the dark corridors of power. When leaders of a Nation use it gainfully to achieve their hold on to power. That is the issue. The same way Sinar Harian writers , pen to sell their nonsense to the gullible for some titles .Surely SH writers are under a rock while KL is being painted red with orgies galore!!!!!
written by Divine, August 23, 2011 21:57:01
Furthermore, Islam not only permits slavery and has never banned or outlawed slavery, but Islam also permits the slave-owner or master to have sex with his slaves.
Slaves are considered your property so you can do what you wish with your property.
appalling but can't help but believe this. as women who go to perform haj have been warned to always move with their muhrim or in big groups for fear of being kidnapped and ending up as sex-slaves. This is in Mekah mmind you
written by earthman, August 23, 2011 21:43:38
Agreed that one can find munafiq or hypocrites in all followers of the religions. But still by the fruits of the tree , one would know the tree. For a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruits. If this is true ,then many are claiming that the fruits are from a good tree when actually it is 'chemically enhanced' to make it looks good. For false teachers and prophets will come near the end time. With these false teachers and prophets , we have the false followers or blind followers?
In the Quran it says in surah __ -------- , 'do not make friends with the Jews and Christians ... ..--- bla , bla, bla, '
Christians are supposed to be the followers of Jesus, but today the followers of Jesus are also Christians.
Yes , there are no false Christians , but false followers of Jesus. The true followers of Jesus and true followers of prophet Muhammad are poles apart . For by the fruits ,one shall know the tree. ...
written by Lady Gaga, August 23, 2011 21:30:48
Very well said Uncle Pete .. Kuddos ....
Christians and Islam are both wonderful religion. But the people around especially i can say the corrupted government are mixing politics with religion in order to blind the rakyat. Pity some sub urban rakyats will be manipulated .. they will get pissed and start to hate Christians .....
Suria Harian is a paper that deserves to be in the toilet..... imagine 4 full page spread on 'Isu Murtad' ... stories about how 'holy' PERKIM and JAIS working on this issue. So called real life stories of people 'so called once Murtad' coming back to Islam and saying that they were cheated, given money to leave their faith .... all bullshits .... another thing I cant believe is PERKIM can say, how many people are converting to Islam in Malaysia today because they are willing .. Please get your figures right .. PERKIM (Stairways to Heaven) People are forced to because of so many factors, the money you offer them or for the sake of marriage ..... Do you track and follow these people when they embraced Islam, teach them and guide them and monitor them ... you don't ... I dont know whats on your mind all these ignorant people .....
And Dear PM,
Where's your moderation, diplomatic ties and also your 1Malaysia slogan ?All I can say .... Ur just making yourself a bigger clown each and everyday ..... 1 Malaysia was back than during Merdeka ..... and we did not have any of these nonsense ....
I know you are happy Dear PM now after Kompas has apologized and say that you did not do all those bad things and your dear wife is a saint .... a very 'moderate' woman who s heart is for the rakyat ....
People around you are laughing ..... ...
written by arazak, August 23, 2011 20:51:56
Sinar Harian is in an evolution process to be Utusan Meloya. Let's just boycott this Religious bigot tabloid! ..
written by Admiral Tojo, August 23, 2011 20:38:37
Islamofascism staring us in the face, blindly followed by ZOMBIES, those who have been mass hypnotised. Munafeeqa (Hypocrites) aplenty on both sides.
written by albert zacharias, August 23, 2011 19:48:30
I would never vote for BN again as long as I live. Munafiq/Hypocrite or not. .
written by panca, August 23, 2011 19:45:34
My sound advice to the voters(wateva 'religions' of those who shout too much, stop bitching) go to where the ballot boxes peacefully, mark Pakatan Rakyat and leave quietly, then you will see Heaven on Earth when the regime is phased out!
Don't be an ignorant fool!
written by Middle Path, August 23, 2011 19:22:42
One type of rice feeds billions of people.
They talk good but do something else. ..
written by yobama, August 23, 2011 19:21:42
Even though Islam did not ban slavery, it did (and does) encourage the freeing of slaves. The act of freeing slaves is well rewarded by God; at least that's what I learned. So, Islam looks upon the freeing of slaves as an act of piety. Many of the Prophets' companions (sahabah) freed their slaves. I do not know any Muslims who own slaves in this modern age, however rich he/she is. Allah knows best! ..
written by syd, August 23, 2011 19:16:00
its a bit too late in my life to know that i can screw a slave. you should have told us way back in 1998. but God given logic will tell you that it is wrong to do so. many verses of the koran are wrongly translated and with a good purpose. to enslave mankind into religious shackles.
and by the way, how many applications to build churches have been approved in selangor? seems like pr is no different than bn.
written by Tompios, August 23, 2011 18:21:27
Otak Kristian bukan otak sex lah oi!! Species koranglah yang baru nampak tapak tangan wanita sudah "kumat"!!
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
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