There appears to be a debate raging around Mat Sabu.
I really don’t know what it is he said. I was not there and neither have I seen the video recording of what he said. Anyway, while we wait for the jury to come back to rule on whether Mat Sabu was out of line or not, let us deliberate on the definition of patriot and traitor.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
There appears to be a debate raging around Mat Sabu. I really don’t know what it is he said. I was not there and neither have I seen the video recording of what he said. Anyway, while we wait for the jury to come back to rule on whether Mat Sabu was out of line or not, let us deliberate on the definition of patriot and traitor.
George Washington was a traitor. He committed treason. And yet he was also a patriot and they named the capital of the United States of America after him. The only thing is the British were not able to capture him and put him to death. So, fortunate for him, he went on to become the First President of America.
Jose Rizal was a traitor. He committed treason and so they put him to death. And yet he was also a patriot and is now considered the Philippines’ national hero. If you were to smear his name while on a visit to Manila, they would probably have to send your body home in a coffin, if there is anything left of you by the time they finish with you.
Tok Janggut was a traitor. He committed treason. So they killed him and hung his body upside down along the banks of the Kelantan River and left it there to rot. And yet he is also a patriot and the Kelantanese revere his name.
Gandhi was a traitor. He committed treason. The British would have loved to kill him if they dared do so. But they did not dare do so because he was so popular. So the British decided to give India independence and take a slow boat back to England with their tail between their legs.
Joan of Arc was a traitor. She committed treason. So they captured her and burned her alive at the stake. And yet she was also a patriot who rallied the French against the English who had illegally occupied French territory.
Mary Queen of Scots was a traitor. She committed treason. So Queen Elizabeth I arrested her and put her to death. And yet she was a patriot who opposed the Queen’s inquisition where thousands of Catholics were rounded up and burned alive for what the Church of England considered heresy.
Nelson Mandela was a traitor. He committed treason. So the Apartheid government of South Africa jailed him on an island for 27 years while many of his comrades were either jailed together with him or were assassinated by the police. And yet he was a patriot who fought for South Africa and went on to become the first post-Apartheid President of that country.
Yes, I can go on and on and write pages and pages about traitors who committed treason who were also patriots. But I think my point has been made. And that point is one man’s traitor is another man’s patriot.
So, whether you may think that so and so is a traitor or a patriot, that is your point of view. It all depends on what point of time in history you are looking at the event and which side of history you are looking at it.
So, whether Mat Sabu is a traitor or a patriot, that is left to be seen. It depends on who you are and where you stand on the matter. It also depends on at what point in time you are making this judgement.
Moses, Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad were also traitors who committed treason as well as Prophets who guided mankind. Again, it depends on who you are and at what point of time you are judging Moses, Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad.
I take it now you get my point.
Comments (13)
The balloon (GOM's) in Anwar's case has recently deflated ! So now the hunters are out with their hounds after MAT SABU 's head !
written by betasigma, August 30, 2011 00:17:44
any right minded individual with a sound brain would not believe in any piece of shit from the umno spinning machine ,utusan!! ..
written by arazak, August 29, 2011 21:14:43
Ex Cop,
I take it from where you left off. . .,
Mat Indra fought the British colonial when he attacked the Bukit Kepong police station. From Mat Indra view, those are servants of the British, i.e., the colonial masters who occupied this country then.
So like what Pete said; some people regraded (such as UMNO goons) those who fought for the British government are "patriots" while those who fought against the British government are "traitors"! Under the same token (referring to the picture on the hanging of Tok Janggut); Tok Janggut must be a "traitor" and the policeman standing next to his corpse must be a "patriot" and a hero! Can those myopic UMNO goons please clarify this?
Note: The Bukit Kepong incident was on 23rd February 1950. Meaning, Malaya is still under the British colonial masters. We are not independent yet!
Readers. . ., you be the judge; Was Mat Indra fighting against the British Colonial Masters or fighting against an Independent country called Malaya? Then you make the call weather he is a "patriot" or a "traitor"? ..
written by Lady Gaga, August 29, 2011 20:13:04
Bamboo man, you are certainly right. Who abides by the law here because we know that UMNO or Najis controls everything. UMNO controls everything includes the local media s etc ... And stoopid unliberal people will think they are right. If you notice, kronis of Najib will always escape the law .... If you are not in the same book as them, they will do what they can to get you join them or make you guilty of a crime you did not commit. I am sure you know about this Uncle Pet... You need to disappear from Malaysia .... So it's clear whose the traitors here .. ..
written by mikewang, August 29, 2011 17:54:22
If you are known to enrich yourself tremendously through corruption when you are in a position of power, you are forever a traitor to the nation and it doesn't depend which point in time you are being looked at. ...
written by antares, August 29, 2011 14:39:17
The real traitors of the citizens of Malaysia are those politicos and the echelons in power who manipulate the truth with blundering lies, authoritarian rules and broad day light abuse of power. Just for one reason that is to remain in power - covering up smelly stinking shit banks, promotion of cronyism, promotion of corrupt practice, denial of citizen’s rights. The real traitors are those who support and empower ISA and the OSA and the rest of the garbage abusive laws against basic human rights in Malaysia.
What Mat Sabu have said is no better than what that stupid moohydin's comments, and for what it is worth no better than what the Chief of MAF alleging that those retired armed forces personnel disclosure of postal rigging are traitors? Or the SPR excuses, forever "technical errors' when discrepancies are pointed out regarding MyKad Midnight Express for BN voting rights!
What the fark - the truth is nothing good enough for the umeno/BeND, except to be suckers for them! The simple truth and for what is worth – it is just another case for that Lembu bodoh moohydin is trying hard to get that extra political mileage - capitalizing just about anything as a preemptive Dacing Senget GE13 campaign. Is this moohydin pulling our legs or without realizing it he is pulling his own balls! ..
written by earthman, August 29, 2011 11:04:56
That is why ,only the truth , absolute truth can set us free. Whether one is a patriot or traitor , if one does not have the truth, one is evil and wicked. One without love for all ,even the enemy is evil and wicked. One who cannot forgive and love is already condemned.
Traitor and patriot are just words by man, but God love the righteous and peace maker. For the peace makers are children of God. That is why we need GOoD . All man of peace loves GOoD , including you atheists. Right? If not you are just an animal. Are you man enough to state that you love goodness and hate evil? For good and GOD are the same and one.
Love yourself and others. ..
written by bambooman, August 29, 2011 10:18:02
In Malaysia,
It is UMNO who made the call.
When UMNO says so and so is a traitor, then that so and so is a traitor, period !
But if UMNO says so and so is a patriot, then that so and so is a hero ! ! !
Just like Ahmad Ismail of Penang UMNO who called non-malays "pendatang" and he is given a heroes welcome wherever he goes ! ! ! !
When UMNO says Rais Yatim did not raped his maid, then the judges will decide that Rais did not commit the crime and then "gave" Rais Yatim a special bonus ! ! !
When UMNO syas Tajuddin Ramli's case should be settled out of court, the all GLCs will dropped their cases and settled out of court with him ! ! ! !
This will be the "definition" applicable in Malaysia's UMNO-land ! ! ! !
That is the perspective that everyone must adopt ! ! ! !
Get the point ? ? ? ?
Still wanna keep UMNO in Putrajaya ? ? ? ? ? ?
Not for meeeee ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ..
written by Admiral Tojo, August 29, 2011 10:02:34
MUSA HASSAN is the true TRAITOR. Time will catch up on him.
Shalom ...
written by usurper, August 29, 2011 09:52:04
A Patriot or Traitor are just words used to describe a person as anti-establishment (one who speaks out against the ruling class such as UMNO). These words are great in in hoodwinking the stupid masses who flow with the powers that be and do not have the time or the intelligence to understand the real reason when someone is called a traitor or patriot. If we are discerning enough then we would be asking whether what one says is true and what was his intentions, motivation etc before we conclude with an opinion of the merits of labeling one as a traitor or a patriot. But in Malaysia, the ruling class is intolerant, arrogant and sitting on a high pedestal of power. Like a friend said,"all fart and no shit". BN, we had enough of your hot, foul odored air that emanates sneakily out of dirty anus. GE13 and vote BN out. ..
written by Ex Cop, August 29, 2011 09:01:59
""Gambar mayat Haji Mat Hassan atau Tok Janggut sedang digantung songsang selepas diarak sekeliling bandar Kota Bharu"
Tatapilah gambar tersebut dan perhatikan ada dua orang yang terdapat didalamnya. Satu gambar mayat Haji Mat Hassan atau Tok Janggut dan satu lagi gambar seorang anggota polis yang di arah menjaga walaupun cuma sudah menjadi mayat.
Saya tersentuh melihat gambar tersebut dan setelah membaca rencana yang ditulis oleh Raja Petra. Jadi yang mana satukah PATRIOT dan yang mana satukah PEMBELOT?
Sudah tentulah hari ini seperti yang kita semua tahu Tok Janggut adalah Patriot yang berjuang menentang penjajah British tanpa sebarang upah pun sehingga nyawanya terkorban.
Yang satu lagi tentulah gambar seorang Pembelot yang dibayar gaji oleh British seperti juga Musa Hassan sewaktu bekerja dalam pasukan polis.
Menurut pengalaman saya yang pernah bekerja dalam jawatan polis, dan saya rasa samalah juga dengan lain lain orang yang sedang atau pernah bertugas dalam jawatan polis,pada waktu mula masuk bekeraj polis tu asal niatnya bukanlah nak mempertaahankan nusa dan bangsa tetapi kerana nak mencari upah dan untuk mendapat sesuap pagi dan petang.
Saya percaya niat masuk menjadi anggota polis dan tentera itu bukanlah nak pertahankan nusa dan bangsa. Bukan bukan bukan dan bukan. Yang utaama adalah kerana ada upah dan gaja dan sebagai mata pencarian.
Sememangnya memang itulah budaya kita orang Melayu. Apatah lagi dalam awal awal sejarah dalam tahun tahun 40an 50an dan 60an memang bidang kerjaya orang Melayu adalah menjadi kakitangan kerajaan sebagai anggota polis,tentera,kastam,imigresyen dan sebagainya. Memang itu pun yang disukai kerana ada pendapatan sampingan "rasuah"
Banyak lagi yang ingin saya ceritakan mengenai kerjaya polis ini tetapi cukuplah setakat ini.Insya Allah akan saya ceritakan di kesempayan akan datang ..
written by educationist, August 29, 2011 04:58:52
Sounds very serious, the allegations against Mat Sabu!!
Can only hope it is not another plot by the UMNOputras to push a wedge between a moderate and reasonable Islamic leader with those extremists elements!! ...
written by durianbesar, August 29, 2011 04:51:58
MUSA HASSAN son of a bitch who needs to get a bullet into his head by his own henchmen or better still traitors from within is a the IGP? Biggest son of a bitch crook in Malaysia about time we C4ed them all in a closed truck and destroy any evidence or DNA as our Malaysian chemistry department's lab is not certified to be ISO 17025 compliant. Hence all have to go to hell
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
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