Asian dimension as French state-owned arms company faces murder, bribery allegations
Breham said Razak Baginda’s company Perimekar had received the commission for "supporting the contract," which he said was a euphemism for unexplained costs, and also for "housing the crew" of the submarines in France. Perimekar was wholly owned by another company, KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, which in turn was also controlled by Razak Baginda. His wife Mazalinda, a lawyer and former magistrate, was the principal shareholder, according to the French lawyers.
Written by John Berthelsen, Asia Sentinel
After years of inaction and coverup, details are emerging in France of the sale of armaments by the French state-owned defense contractor DCNS to countries across the world including Pakistan, Malaysia, Chile, India, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia, with bribes and kickbacks built into DCNS’s budget, ensnaring politicians across the globe.
Allegations involving DCNS, formerly known as DCN, range from murder to bribery and corruption and go from defense procurement officials in each of those countries to some of the top politicians in France.
Under the French legal system, prosecutors under the control of the Ministry of Justice must make a preliminary enquiry, during which no one has access to the files, so that any information the police have obtained cannot be shared. The prosecutors have been stymied for years by the ministry. However, investigators appear to be losing their awe of politicians all the way up to President Nicholas Sarkozy.
In September, for instance, Nicholas Bazire, 54, the best man at Sarkozy’s wedding to supermodel Carla Bruni, was arrested and charged with misuse of public funds in the 1995 presidential campaign of Edouard Balladur. Sarkozy was Balladur’s campaign spokesman and budget minister at the time. Another friend, Thierry Gaubert, Sarkozy’s cabinet chief when he was budget and communication minister, was arrested earlier. Sarkozy is seeking avoid the appointment of an instruction judge in an effort to keep the cases under control. But the political knives may be out for Sarkozy.
That increases the chances that investigating judges will allow prosecutors a more detailed look at DCNS’s books to probe kickbacks in Pakistan, where 11 French submarine engineers were killed in a bomb attack, and Taiwan, where a number of murders and suicides have been recorded in connection with the sale of frigates to Taiwan’s navy. The details can be found here.
William Bourdon, the leader of a three-lawyer team investigating Malaysia’s US$1 billion purchase of submarines from DCNS for the Malaysian reform organization Suaram, earlier told Asia Sentinel he hoped his team would have access to the files by October. Bourdon was summarily deported from Malaysia in July after giving a speech in Penang describing some of the details of the allegations.
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was defense minister at a time when Malaysia bought two Scorpene-class submarines from DCNS. Included in the transaction was a €114 million commission paid to Perimekar Sdn Bhd, a company owned by Najib’s close friend, Abdul Razak Baginda. The transaction has been mired in controversy since 2006, when Altantuya Shaariibuu, a party girl and translator ostensibly hired to help in the contract, was murdered after demanding US$500,000 from Razak Baginda, her jilted lover, for unspecified reasons. Razak Baginda was acquitted of her murder under unusual circumstances without having to provide a defense. Two of Najib’s police bodyguards were convicted and sentenced to death. They have appealed the verdict.
Joseph Breham, a lawyer with Solicitors International Human Rights Group and a member of Bourdon’s team, said in London last week that DCNS often budgeted as much as 8 to 12 percent of its total receipts as "commissions" paid to grease sales of armaments in third-world countries. Breham’s speech was reported for the Malaysia website Malaysiakini by Miriam Mokhtar.
Malaysia bought two Scorpene submarines from DCNS for about US$1 billion and leased a third from a DCNS subsidiary for training. Of that, the €114 commission was paid to Razak Baginda’s company, Perimekar Sdn Bhd.
Breham said Razak Baginda’s company Perimekar had received the commission for "supporting the contract," which he said was a euphemism for unexplained costs, and also for "housing the crew" of the submarines in France. Perimekar was wholly owned by another company, KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, which in turn was also controlled by Razak Baginda. His wife Mazalinda, a lawyer and former magistrate, was the principal shareholder, according to the French lawyers.
Breham questioned why such vast sums could be paid to Razak Baginda’s company. The €114 million obtained by Ombak Laut, he said, was more than the amount paid by France to all of its primary school teachers for a year. He also revealed that DCNS’s former finance director had written memos in which he alleged that €31 million of the €114 million had been used for "commercial engineering", a term Breham said had no legal meaning.
Breham said that in France, before 2002, any money used to bribe foreign officials was tax deductible. When the former finance director of DCN made a claim for the €31million allegedly used to bribe the Malaysians for the purchase of the Scorpenes, the Minister of Budget questioned such a large bribe, although he did eventually authorize the tax break.
Comments (45)...
written by NottyMaus, October 05, 2011 10:40:49
If Hudud law exists in Malaya :
PeeAim Najis mau lose dick , for inserting into mongol body illicitly;
Loose right hand for taking bribe ie stealing
Loose head, chopped off for scheming against the malay nation.
No dick, no hand and no head ? ...
written by NottyMaus, October 05, 2011 10:25:10
€114 million commission paid to Perimekar Sdn Bhd was under New Economic Policy to give monies to UMNOputras to learn how to order, buy and receive the Submarines, No wonder the rest of the bumiputras complained they want NEP to extend indefinately because they are still waiting for their turn to receive millions at their front gates.
Oh ! You must mean Ebrahim Ahlee and the Porkosa folks....the 4 legged things. ...
written by NottyMaus, October 05, 2011 10:17:51
Breham said that in France, before 2002, any money used to bribe foreign officials was tax deductible. When the former finance director of DCN made a claim for the €31million allegedly used to bribe the Malaysians for the purchase of the Scorpenes, the Minister of Budget questioned such a large bribe, although he did eventually authorize the tax break.
Aha ! Mamakuteh dogtor was Pee Aim at that time ! ...
written by mickie, October 05, 2011 10:13:53
Malaysia is world famous not only for being No.1 in the world for human trafficking, internet and phone scam, ivory trafficking, wild life trafficking, drug smuggling, Obedient Wives Club, corrupt government officials, witnesses flying out of anti corruption agencies buildings, etc BUT also for taking racial affirmative policies to new soaring heights.
The French prosecutors should spend a few months in Malaysia to understand that kickbacks and commissions to bumiputra companies for all government or GLC projects are allowed and encouraged under the UMNO approved NEP. The French prosecutors have no case at all.
The two Razaks should not have any worries of being prosecuted because the 1Malaysia NEP laws shall protect them. They should just continue living their lavish and luxurious lifestyles "tanpa was-was". ..
written by mick_err_stan, October 05, 2011 09:47:26
These lanun is bleeding the country's coffer dry and are living a luxurious lifestyle while for only a couple of thousnad ringgit TBH was murdered. Vote for change.........SIAL BETUL GOM INI !!!!! ...
written by Rosminah, October 05, 2011 08:20:17
Talking submarine and that IDIOT RUSTAM in Melaka.
Instead of putting that old useless submarine on land for 20 million RM, Rustam and defence minister should have just given that old junk to anyone- for free. Some will just strip it for iron to sell.
Does not cost Malaysia a SEN.
Rustam and defence minister must have shit in their brains.
20 million RM is worth 600 low cost homes which cna be given free to the poor. ...
written by man from Atlantis, October 05, 2011 08:01:21
Mr. PM, I just can't wait to see you fall flat on your face! This is the punishment for letting Razak Baginda off. Now you pay the price! Isn't it wonderful, that GOD is Great! ..
written by Tompios, October 05, 2011 05:57:15
What a news!! The self-proclaim of "most progressive and tolerant nation" involved with "tipu-menipu" business!! ..
written by educationist, October 05, 2011 05:18:20 And, so we wait and pray that the truth and justice that failed to see the light of day in Malaysia will be pried wide open by an independent judge in France who's not subservient to anyone but the citizens!! ..
written by Rosminah, October 05, 2011 04:45:43 Stated in the article above:
"The 114 million pounds commission is the amount to pay all the French primary school teachers for one.
In Malysia, that money is worth about 20,000 low cost houses which can be given free to the poor from all races or 90 million free meals to the poor in Malaysia or the cost of books and fees for all Primary and Secondary gomen schools for one year or the cost of all college and Uni fees for one year or the cost of 13,500 new Proton cars and so on.
In Melaka, Chief Minister Rustam, the submarine-on-land project was just starting and has been cancelled due to pressure. It was supposed to cost 20 million Rm and 10M to go to his pocket.
Corruption is a mad bull in Malaysia, the gomen is a mad bull also killing people. yet they catch the slightest ikan bilis.
written by hantu, October 05, 2011 04:07:12
It was reported in the french newspapers "Les Echos" today that DCNS is poised to lift the contract to supply 24 corvettes of the GOWIND type to the malaysian navy which will be assembled in Malaysia.
Contract to be signed before end of the year.
the french are getting real cosy with malaysia, first the submarines, then the eurocopters, airbus 400M and now corvettes.
I think they got jibby by the balls or rather photos taken with altantuya during their shindig in paris a few years back.
the french also transferred ownership of the agosta sub to the malaysian govt. to be transformed into a museum in malacca.
sorry folks its in french but you can google a translation easily. ...
written by MAMR, October 05, 2011 03:46:15
Dear all Rakyat,
Its time for all of us to wake up and get our acts together. There had been TOO MANY SCANDALS involving UMNO Govt.From building 6 Patrol Vessel by PSC Naval Dockyard ( NOW KNOWN as BOUSTEAD NAVAL SHIPYARD at RM5350 millions and cannot complete then Najib gave additional RM1800 millions ,and now going to give the same company RM6000 to RM10000 millions of same work to build the 6 New Patrol Vessels.Award in RM Billions to DRB HICOM to build military vehicles. Then the PKFZ scandals involving RM Billions and so on the list of scandals goes on and on.In almost all the cases they RAPE money which belongs to Rakyat. From commissions for purchase of tincans subs and now are said NOT ABLE to DIVE,even worse now the two tincans appeared not even able to sail while floating. To make matter WORSE FOR THESE Tincans case they kill and blow to pieces Altantuya who was pregnent to CONCEAL the identity of the father suspected to be Najib himself. What are we as a responsible Rakyat going to do about it as UMNO Govt control the police,armed forces,judiciary,Macc,Ec and so on? Are we going to keep allowing this murderer and Rakyats money raper to continue enjoying their dids.50ty ought is enough.ITS TIME for us Rakyat to get our act together and dump UMNO Govt during 13th GE for what they have done. By doing so we Rakyat should have the opportunity TO INVESTIGATE THE PREVIOUS WRONGDOINGS and pse believe me there were TOO MANY for us to ignore ...
written by Mestizo, October 05, 2011 02:27:03
This itself show our authorities such as judiciary, AG Chamber, Police and MACC were and still are not independent and did not do what they are paid to do.
It is so obvious there is corruption, MACC did nothing, while the Altantuya case expose our judiciary, AG and police which acted unfairly and made a mockery of our local institution. Besides them, there are also other authorities like the Army and Immigration department were obviously show weaknesses and bias.
The fault lies with Malaysians themselves for repeatedly elect BN into power in spite of massive corruption, racialism and inefficiency. We can't blame anyone else for our own idiotic behavior. Hopefully this stupidity will stop in coming general election. ...
written by siaw, October 05, 2011 01:12:22
sometimes my mind wandered around asking why did not anybody checked the personal records of the 2 'convicted?' policemen whether anyone of them did undergo a special explosive training on C4 during the trial of that Mongolian lady. This C4 is special and not anybody can handle it without proper training. Even in the army only those trained from the Royal Engineers Corps or Assault Pioneer Units would be capable to handle it. If these 2 policemen did not attend the required course then who did attach and operate the C4 devices? What about that army colonel from the intelligence branch who was supposed to be investigated regarding YM RPK's SD? Sudah senyap dan sunyi? ...
written by VCtor, October 05, 2011 00:53:42
"Commercial Engineering", very interesting indeed. It's a very well suited terminology for replacing 'bribes/commissions" as it is more sophisticated.
written by betterfuture, October 05, 2011 00:36:37
when one use tainted money, their hand forever tainted. no hand cleanser, or a hundred prayers can clean a dirty hand/heart. Play with shit, smell like shit, play with fire got burn in the end. We all know who will got burn, and who smell like shit. The belang can be spotted miles away. The rakyat is not blind anymore. and even if one is blind, they still smell those shit on YOU. ...
written by amoker27, October 05, 2011 00:34:58
I wonder if Razak Baginda has finished his PHD with his millions of RM . oxford PHD but no ethics ...
written by Ah Beng's brother, October 05, 2011 00:06:45
Paper cannot cover Fire. ...
written by commoner, October 04, 2011 23:52:42
Let the show begins....I just can't wait to see our Beloved Prime Minister on trail for corruption and possible link to the dispearance of the mogul girls ...
written by JC LIU, October 04, 2011 23:35:14
€114 million commission paid to Perimekar Sdn Bhd was under New Economic Policy to give monies to UMNOputras to learn how to order, buy and receive the Submarines, No wonder the rest of the bumiputras complained they want NEP to extend indefinately because they are still waiting for their turn to receive millions at their front gates. ...
written by Karabau, October 04, 2011 23:28:25
Dear Undillah,
No need for Tun M get rid of Najib/RM, I think he is involved as well. The only thing seems to be appropriate is 6 feet under ground, don't you agree?. He has wasted billions of rakyat money, and sold Sabah to the Filipinoes by giving them instant citizenship. We, as Sabahan has suffered too much. ...
written by RealChange, October 04, 2011 23:15:53
Companies owned by Razak Baginda to receive Commissions on Submarine that can not dive BUT who Control and Own Razak Baginda????????
The Common denominator is RAZAK n shall wait whether it surface that who exactly is this Razak!!!! ...
written by Undilah, October 04, 2011 23:12:03
Dear Tun Dr. M,
U hv to speed up ur program of getting rid of him... Big Mama holding u back kah?
written by hamtaro, October 04, 2011 23:08:24
GOTCHA call for PM? but this time it is not a prank. The French are coming and they will not stop till justice is served ! Mr. PM, the French have a place for you in Bastille ...
written by cicakman, October 04, 2011 23:05:20
Bagindaaaah you are finished. counting yr days. u think french police are stupid like malaysian puulissss. french police will hunt u down ...
written by Karabau, October 04, 2011 23:05:13
Billions was spent, and billions more to be burnt like chinese hell's money in maintaining the unsinkable scorpene's. Maybe five to ten years it will become a tukun tiruan somewhere near Pulau Gaya.
Ohhh waitt... I saw that black things nearly every day alongside jetty in Sepanggar for the last two years in service. Either the engine is missing, the battery kaput, the propeller came out or the aircond is faulty, only the elite navy men and our stupid men in suit knows.
There goes our money... thank you BN/UMNO!...
written by shihkebab, October 04, 2011 23:04:24
Najib, you may have a strangle hold on the judiciary here and let kangaroos run the court. But what comes around goes around when a French Minister allowed for the tax deductions as explained above, this is a OFFICIAL record and statement that someone in Malaysia has received the said kick back for the submarine sale. ...
written by froggie, October 04, 2011 23:01:53
Wish Steven Spielberg or Jackson (LOTR) will directed a blockbuster film base on this...... so interesting even before it ends..... ...
written by albert zacharias1, October 04, 2011 22:55:35
Dear Baginda...
since you took the commission, why not we Raayats of malaysia invite you to stay in the submarine underwater for 3 days??? After that the commission is HALAL LAH!
Ok Baginda???? ...
written by ALTANTUYA, October 04, 2011 22:42:53
written by Bang, October 04, 2011 22:26:13
I hope my wish will come true. I always think the ACA and MACC is just an organization like the KGB to control and silent the political dissidents of UMNO. The only chance that all these corrupted politicians can be exposed will depend vastly by foreign nations. Let hope it is the beginning. Taib,Mamak and the rest will be the next. ...
written by albert heng, October 04, 2011 22:21:51
Malaysia BOOlay...
written by AtanSian, October 04, 2011 22:09:01
both are guilty as hell. ...
written by IbnAbdHalim, October 04, 2011 22:06:34
Can't wait to see the day Bik Mama yelling,"He's not guilty as charged."and then she puked. ...
written by zakaria yahya, October 04, 2011 22:03:57
I just wonder how long will this case be heard in the French Court. There is too much talk but nothing comes out of it.... ...
written by ALTANTUYA, October 04, 2011 21:57:51
{ { { { { {{{{{{ ITS RETRIBUTION TIME }}}}}} } } } } }
{ { { { { {{{{{{ SEE YOU SON, NAJIB }}}}}} } } } } } ...
written by verifunny77, October 04, 2011 21:51:21
magistrate owns shares in disputed corruption!? Money makes people spins. What kind of magistrate standard is this? ...
written by uxzee, October 04, 2011 21:50:41
Razak Baginda will now run back to Malaysia to stay away from the French police. But this will be too much of a spot light on Najib.
This is going to get interesting.
We also just learnt from Karpal that the written judgement on the Altantuya case has not been done and hence cannot hang the 2 'innocent' guys. Why ??
This getting Prime time or is it Prime Minister time ? ..
written by SoundMan, October 04, 2011 21:48:56
The best international crime of the 'century' for a long time. Keep the stories coming, love the drama and the possibilities in repercussions along in the very near future......
written by malsia1206, October 04, 2011 21:25:18
Go link all the dots to unravel the truths. Not only because of the hundreds of millions piad in so-called commission. but because a henious murder was committed on a Mongolian mother who was blown to smithereen with C4. And all the facts were compounded by deceits and suppression that link up to Malaysia, including a tainted Judiciary.
Let the truths prevail and come out into the open. The devils in men and women in this debacle must be caught and burnt at the stakes and their hearts be ripped open for justice to prevail.
written by Nicholas Chin, October 04, 2011 21:10:21
The good thing is.. this Baginda fellow is just nearby.. supposedly studying in the UK. The French police along with the UK police can reach him easily. Arrest him, squeeze his balls in a foreign country, without Najis's back up.. he will sure spill the beans.. Yay yay.. I am just waiting for the time my beloved PM is tried for bribery and murder. hahahaha.. ...
written by Face the hole, October 04, 2011 20:48:58
wou! euro114 million can cover the French primary teacher wages for a year..
but the DCN kickback to perimekar are insufficient to cover mazalinda hole & the late mongolian hole..
the tragedy begin when Rosmah absolute demand to cover her monster hole....
an najib is fast turning in fcuking arse hole. ...
written by 1Abu, October 04, 2011 20:41:54
Asia Sentinel: The judge can also request "mutual criminal assistance" from the Malaysian authorities for purposes of information and cooperation. So far, there is no indication that Malaysian officials intend to cooperate.
What do you expect from a corrupt govt of Malaysia? ...
written by Obadiyah, October 04, 2011 20:39:45
Can Jibby swear on the Koran in a French Court, and say that he didn't know anything?...
written by syd, October 04, 2011 20:25:12
Razak baginda worked for Najib. Anything that he gets constitute as insider trading as he gets to first information regarding the contract.
He should be jailed for insider trading.
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
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