“This generation will have to face international standard and competition in terms of job market, as part of globalisation,” said Tourres. She cited Pakistan as an example, where she gives lectures. “In Pakistan, although the people speak different dialects, next to the Urdu language, their English is better than our graduates,” she pointed out.
The quality of Malaysian undergraduates in having a good command of English still remains an issue says a Universiti Malaya academic.
Marie Aimee Tourres, a senior research fellow at the Department of Development Studies, Universiti Malaya, said it was crucial for graduates to have a good command of English to ensure they would be able to compete effectively, in the global job market.
Nevertheless, “in terms of education spending, Malaysia is comparable to some countries in the region based on the percentage spent over its gross domestic product (GDP) growth,” she told Bernama in an interview, Kuala Lumpur.
She said Malaysia was actually spending more vis-a-vis other countries.
In Budget 2012, RM13.6 billion was allocated to the social sector, including education and training, health, welfare, housing and community development.
Tourres said there was also a lot of focus given for training and re-training for graduates, which was important to continuously upgrade skilled and knowledge workers in the country.
However, the quality of undergraduates remains an issue in Malaysia, since the students find it difficult to grasp the English language.
“Language is definitely an issue,” she said, citing a recent publication by the World Bank entitled , ‘The Road to Academic Excellence’, which was a study on what contributes to a world-class research university.
The study compared University Malaya (UM) and National University of Singapore (NUS) in a chapter entitled ‘The National University of Singapore and the University of Malaya: Common Roots and Different Paths’.
In the report, it was stated that as NUS kept pace with the demands of a growing economy that sought to become competitive internationally, with English continuing as the language of instruction and research, UM began to focus inward as proficiency in English declined in favour of the national language.
The publication, which is based on a study conducted by two scholars, Philip Altbach and Jamil Salmi, also stated that because UM taught courses predominantly in the national language, it had much more limited internationalisation of programme, academic staff and student body.
Can grads compete internationally?
“This generation will have to face international standard and competition in terms of job market, as part of globalisation,” said Tourres.
She cited Pakistan as an example, where she gives lectures.
“In Pakistan, although the people speak different dialects, next to the Urdu language, their English is better than our graduates,” she pointed out.
It made them more marketable in the competitive global environment, she noted.
“The immediate result of their English capacity is that you can find many Pakistanis who work for international organisations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund,” noted Tourres.
She believed that even if Malaysia gave more focus in English, the national language and culture could still prosper, provided that teaching was made interesting.
“More English in school will not deter Malay, Indian and Chinese culture per se. We should not mix the issue of a command of good language and the preservation of national heritage,” she said.
As for the distribution of the book voucher worth RM200 to all Malaysian students in public and private local institutions of higher learning, matriculation as well as Form 6 students nationwide, she believed that it should be monitored to ensure that it served the purpose.
This assistance is expected to benefit 1.3 million students with an allocation of RM260 million.
“That is a lot of money. Probably, it could have been done based on meritocracy to ensure that it is properly utilised,” said Tourres, pointing out that there were risks of students re-selling the voucher, especially when the new targeted generation lacked the reading habit and preferred to go online to search for their study materials.
Comments (23)...
written by lynn, November 08, 2011 17:07:26
I sometimes think it is the Malays themselves who refuse to learn English. For e.g. I go to a govt dept & try to converse in English (giving these civil servants a chance to practise spoken English), they don't want to, not interested. So I go back to speaking to them in BM. As a non-Malay, I encourage my kids to learn all languages & dialects as much as possible. I don't feel learning another language would threaten our identity or culture. How many people are feeling threatened when they converse in English? It's all in the mind... that's all it is. ..
written by devious17, November 08, 2011 08:44:23
Those "graduates" who are not proficient with english can and should forget about employment with MNCs and their likes.
I had to turn away in droves of such "graduates" be it a chinese,indian,malay or anyone for that matter. Dont blame me or call me a racist, I hire real graduates to work for MNCs. Go point your fingers at your all time 'good performing' UMNO/BN. Go get jobs in the public sector and wait till this country becomes like Greece.
On the hind sight, you can say its karma. Gomen/Uni quota has given the bumi-less the cutting edge in the language department. The bumi-less were deprived of the opportunity to continue on to local U and was forced to get their education outside of Malaysia. After spending years overseas (Singapore inclusive) English has become their second language thus getting into MNCs are so much easier coupled with their academic achievement (questionable - most good graduates wont come back).
This has been viewed as preferential treatment by the private sector by those umno/bn morons for hiring bumi-less over bumi-full in the private sector.
Another case of Heads ,I win, Tails , you loose. ...
written by vhari, November 07, 2011 20:28:48
I think english should be a subject in universities from first to the degree year. ...
written by jay, November 07, 2011 18:29:52
Well the BN buffoons are doing the right thing! Keep the majority as illiterate as possible so that they can rule further due to rakyat's ignorance. While these peruki's send their children overseas and prosper! ...
written by Angela Ooi, November 07, 2011 18:04:37
For political purposes, dUMNO promotes 'Ketuanan" among Malays but cruelly does nothing to help them achieve 'ketua' status other than blowing hot air, chest-roosting n teaching them to beg for more goodies saja. Unfortunately for majority Malays, if n when they step an inch out of BolehLand, many will find themselves unable to stand up to the current global village competition. AND WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THIS? ...
written by Fart Fart Wah, November 07, 2011 17:36:49
One stupid deputy pm who wants Malays to adore him like Allah has decided the fate of Malays to remain stupid Malays....that is all I can say...Now where did he send his children to??? to the kafir land of the white man where satan is dancing with drinks and screwing ?? to teach his children to drink and screw the Malay girls from the kampung when they come back??? ...
written by hantu, November 07, 2011 15:09:06
many of the above comments run down our ministers, the goverment & our education system with negative remarks and they're all true. But an even sadder truth is that I've worked with different batches of malaysian student undergraduates from different malaysian universities and on on top of training them and sharing our experience with them I've to correct their english in their written report, either that or just simply throw them away.
Furthermore they are not widely read and have no world view or opinion on ongoing issues - local and international.
We can't just put this down to asian attitude and shyness only for not speaking up.
their mastery of the english language is a stumbling block for their professional and social advancement.
frankly even if I'd wanted to I couldn't hire them. ...
written by SoundMan, November 07, 2011 14:29:35
Doesn't BERNAMA understand anything!? The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, no less, says all we need is Bahasa Malaysia. What's the matter with you people ? We do not need English!
In due time we will work for the Cambodians and learn Khmer. Likewise, we will then be fluent with Bahasa Indon. No problem with Singapore, them speak Pasar Malayoo, ok. We will also have to learn Thai and Tagalog and perhaps for jobs in Laos...ummm..learn Tai–Kadai.
No need to go far far far away to work, then. ...
written by Hakim Joe, November 07, 2011 13:49:47
It is basically NOT an issue of BN knowing for a fact that the command of the English language is essential to the economic well being of the country BUT rather the issue of Bumis reading alternative news sources, BN derives its broad base support from rural Malays and to retain power, they must indoctrinate these people using a medium that they control in a language these people understands. With the onset of the Internet, a non-English literate could not access the alternative news portals (regardless of how wide the broadband coverage is) and hence their information will only come from BN through the Malay news from RTM. Henceforth, BN is selling off the nation for its own selfish aims but it is a matter of retaining power that matters most to them. ...
written by wali10, November 07, 2011 13:49:39
I think what the present BN govt (DPM esp) wilfully ignore is the fact that English is one of the main global COMMUNICATION media, and this ignorance over the long run will lead to Malaysia being side-stepped.
The govt's argument that English should not be the medium of instruction for education or learning is secondary. Once we realise/recognise that English is one of the main global communication language, efforts should be made for the present young generation Malaysians to be able to respectably command the language.
As it is malaysian graduates are already losing out to the Indians, Pakistanis, Fijians, Hong Kongites (?) and all the commonwealth member countries as far as English is concerned. Their 10 year-olds speak better English than our graduates! Shame on us. ..
written by NSTPravda, November 07, 2011 13:36:04
What dis fellow Marie Aimee Tourres dalk about "it was crucial for graduates have a good English to ensure they would be able to compete effectively, in the global job market". We have umno-ised the issue in the usual brilliant fa$hion. Henceforth we propose the following:
1. Get Berkazar or its shadows to make this fellow change her research to agreeing with the GOM
2. Get PDRM to get this fellow to do the nude squat.
3. Get Saiful to accuse this fellow of lesbian sodomy.
4. We strengthen ETP with C4 to become a super NEP so our Race need not compete in the world market.
5. Invite more of these graduates to join UMNO.
6. Swear on the Qur'4n that English is now banned and not needed in this country.
7. Declare war on all kafir infidel English speaking countries.
8. Fine anyone speaking this accursed kafir infidel language.
9. Ban all English books
10 Insist that we will not do business with any countries if they speak Enqlgish or write their contract in English.
Voila, immediately the issues and problem no long exist.
Semua-nya OK! Now, do we qualify to be breakfasted by the FLOM or not!?
Dollar akbar! ...
written by 3nity, November 07, 2011 13:30:56
NO. Really? Who would have guessed English had such an impact? After all, my beloved ministers claim that one only needs to be fluent in the National Language. ...
written by nanakassim, November 07, 2011 13:28:40
arazak, I am very disappointed that you should fail to include another obsession among the bumis to acquire, apart from the Merc or BMW.
I hope you will remember that it is the noble obligation of every successful umno contractor or leader to open three more cawangan rumah-tangga.
And so they leave happily ever after GE13. ..
written by red1, November 07, 2011 12:59:06
Jika awak tidak fasih Bahasa Inggeris, nanti susah mendapat kerja bergaji lumayan, siapa yang susah? Negara ke awak? Dua-dua lah brader. Sampai anak cucu nanti. Fikir-fikirlah sendiri. ...
written by earthman, November 07, 2011 12:48:27
On one hand they want bahasa as the medium and to improve the standard of English. But their hearts shiver and failed once they hear that English be made compulsory for a pass in SPM . Hypocrites do not deserve to lead the nation. ...
written by earthman, November 07, 2011 12:43:32
How many times do it had to be repeated before they understand? For the truth shall guide one to the highest. All other means are pride ,lies, and self center greed and lust. Can't they see how the people at the top do it? Must it be repeated again and again? Bertaubat-lah dan ikut jalan yang lurus. Tidak ada jalan lain selain jalan yang lurus,benar dan hidup dalam Tuhan. ...
written by SiHangChai, November 07, 2011 12:25:08
The author is very truly stated. This DPM, Muhiyddin is tryingto sabotage the English program so that the Malays will continue to be slave of his in his bid to become the next PM and also to control the Malays when he is the PM. He knows very well that English educated Malays will probably more intelligent than the BM educated. On unemployment, the author is also right tothe point. Our Malaysian graduates do not have a good master of English. Poor indeed even though they may have scored 1st Class Honor. I have been throwing out a lot of job applicants ; unfortunately many of them are Malays b'cos they can't even write and speak proper primary school English! ...
written by mt31aug, November 07, 2011 11:59:54
In one recent CSI episode in which policemen with gun drawn searching the suspect's rooms and shouted 'CLEAR!' - it means no threat.. Malay subtitle? It was '' JELAS!'' (20 years ago we all laughed at translation of 'FIRE' by policemen to shoot into Malay subtitle 'API'. Today, same thing occurs. ...
written by syd, November 07, 2011 10:37:35
Belly funny this university Malaya.
One guy said abolish PPSMI, another said, promote English.
Why can't they let the student choose which language they want to focus on. ...
written by arazak, November 07, 2011 10:07:03
UiTM graduates no need to be proficient in English. Here is why;
Upon graduation join Mat rempit cum UMNO youth, sure to secure a job. Next, after many years as Pemuda UMNO become Ketua Cawangan. . ., sure can get class F contract. Then onward become Ketua Bahagian and secure bigger contracts even though some contract F work he undertook are slipshod or uncompleted.
After getting those bigger contracts from UMNO government sell projects to MCA China-man and buy a Mercedes Benz or BMW. Possible also to create Ali Baba business with MCA Chinaman. Make stadium, hospitals, schools or flyover which will either crack or break in a couple of years. Who cares. . ., "duit sudah dapat" and all the city council engineers and inspectors had all been bribed. If anybody dies of mishap or if tax payers have to cough up extra million ringgit to repair the infrastructure. . ., "peduli apa aku"!
Having enough money, can stash it up in overseas bank. If caught in Australia for snuggling hard cash. . ., no problem. Just plead, "Me no speke Inglis", in front of the Australian judge. Case close!
"I speke Bahasa Ketuanan and who say I need speke Inglis. . ., cannot tukar mode cakap orang putih lah"! ...
written by hellosunshine, November 07, 2011 09:18:18
Aiya no need English lah. If the umnoputras and their eunuchs in BN will have it, they would prefer to keep the children like kataks dibawah tempurung so that their children, who goes to private and international schools and overseas universities, can take over the country in the future and continue their tradition of looting and plundering. The sad part of it all is that there are idiots of the highest order who are totally blind to these dumbing down tactics used by the ruling regime on their children and continue to vote them in. ..
written by cheekhiaw, November 07, 2011 08:47:20
Apasal cakap tentang Ingris saya? Dunia semua tak tahu I tuan ke? Kalo dia orang mahu cakap dengan tuan, dia orang cakap bahasa tuan tahu? ...
written by educationist, November 07, 2011 06:56:30
Not to worry, the UMNOputras will continue to take those unemployable graduates into the civil service!!
Where it matters, when it matters - which is now, when the results of the PPSMI can be vouched ,[in so far as beginning teachers in the teacher training institutes are concerned] the UMNOputras for political expediency have decided to discontinue the policy!!
PAS & PKR are the worst culprits in this context - for the UMNOputras must be responding to these 2 tempurung parties opposition to the PPSMI when that substandard Education Minister decided to discontinue the policy!!
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
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