Despite the New Economic Policy (NEP), the Malays are not outperforming others nor are they staying ahead. The Malay is not trapped by his success; he is trapped by the feel-good factor and the self-induced mental prison.
By Mariam Mokhtar, Free Malaysia Today
Despite the New Economic Policy (NEP), the Malays are not outperforming others nor are they staying ahead. The Malay is not trapped by his success; he is trapped by the feel-good factor and the self-induced mental prison. Successive Umno leaders have managed to relieve Malays of the need to think and to work hard.
So Malays need to come out of their comfort zone(s) and use competitive intelligence to work on their strengths and weaknesses, rather than blame others for their failures.
Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s administration recently said that the Bumiputera corporate equity stood at 22% and was short of the NEP target of 30%. As everyone knows, the NEP should have ended in 1990, but much of the affirmative action, or pro-Malay, policies are still being pushed through.
For 53 years, Malays are told that they are the rightful “owners” of the land and they are warned not to betray Umno as only Umno will defend their rights and only Umno has their interests at heart.
The Malays are told not to be hoodwinked by Pakatan Rakyat. Umno claim that a Pakatan government will lead to a Malaysia that will be dominated by the Chinese. On the other hand, Umno tells the Chinese that to vote Pakatan, of which PAS is a member, could lead to hudud laws being brought into play.
Umno omitted to tell the rakyat that under Pakatan, the three component parties – DAP, PKR and PAS – have entered into an agreement that any policy decisions require a consensus of the three parties. The Islamic state and the Islamic law of hudud are policy matters. All three parties have to agree on this issue or else it will not be enacted.
These messages, intended to confuse and scare the rakyat, are aimed at the weak and the insecure.
Dominant community
From the sidelines, Dr Mahathir Mohamad has also egged on the rakyat. First, he told them that everyone in the country had to accept the culture and language of the dominant community.
He said, “This country belongs to the Malay race. …..We must be sincere and accept that the country is Tanah Melayu.”
Then he said that Malays would feel less threatened if the country adopted the concept of “Bangsa Malaysia” as that would allow better co-operation between the different races and thus guarantee the future of the country.
Finally, after raising the Malays’ hopes, he deflated their egos by calling them economically weak.
“We must not reject every government effort to help us. We must push away the crutches and realise that we are still limping,” was his warning to the Malays, that they would require assistance to improve their lives.
Thus, the Malay is brainwashed into thinking he is weak and that Pakatan rule will make him lose all his opportunities and rights.
Despite Malay being the dominant language and poor Malays having greater access to education, what sort of quality education have these Malays received?
Have they been able to think, rationalise, evaluate and infer, from the education they received? Or was their education just a token gesture with poor teaching methods based upon learning by rote?
Bible debacle
In the recent crisis over the Malay-language bibles, how much support has there been from the Malay community towards their Christian neighbours? Have the Malays protested loudly and clearly to condemn the actions of the government in the bible debacle?
A consignment of 5,100 bibles (plus a further 35,000) was confiscated over two years ago. The bibles have become a political football with no one minister nor ministry wanting to be made accountable and assuming responsibility.
With the Sarawak election looming, it now appears that Najib has “ordered” the bibles to be released. Is this a directive from APCO to make Najib look like the magnanimous politician?
We are told that Najib’s cousin, Home Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, stipulated two conditions for the release of the bibles. Each copy needed a serial number and would be stamped with “For Christians Only”.
A serial number carries with it an ominous message. Are these bibles to be assigned a keeper who will be made responsible if the holy book goes astray or is not in his keeping when the enforcement officers come checking?
Is Hishammuddin lacking in sensitivity and respect? What if his holy book, the Quran was defaced in a similar fashion?
Malays must learn to think that they cannot have one set of rules for them and another for the non-Malays. They must learn to empathise with their fellow Malaysians.
Corrupt government
Malays must rationalise that Umno is using them to retain its corrupt government in the next general election.
Malays must evaluate the reasons why Umno is trying to stir the bible issue as a Malay-Islam versus the other religions sentiment.
We are a modern democratic nation with a set of laws and a constitution. What will the Malays infer from the bible issue? Or would they prefer Umno to do their thinking for them?
Mahathir and Umno have made the Malays more egocentric and egotistic. They have nurtured the Malays to be intolerant and lose their true values. The Malays of today are nothing like those of 53 years ago.
This week, the issue of race and religion is again being thrust upon us. Malays must join forces with their Christian brethren and condemn the callous and heinous act by their fellow Muslim ministers. Idris Jala, the minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, will no doubt be receiving grief from his fellow Christians for betraying them.
It is time that Malays-Muslims came out of their comfort zones and see off the internal threat to our nation by these corrupt and objectionable ministers.
Comments (11)...
written by temenggong, March 18, 2011 21:03:29
The rakyat is tired and is no longer interested in knowing what keeps the Malays down or up, or interested in a dialogue. ...
written by Motherchell, March 18, 2011 20:54:53
What would have happened if someone defaced the Koran in the same way the moron Kriss did ???
Did the moron HM ever realise that the UMNO Malays can hardly understand the words and the meanings in the Holy Koran let alone read it . So how did he expect them to stray and read the Bible?? Time the Malays woke up to see how their so called Country is being allowed to be plundered by the Uputras who have been swallowing the total shares of the wealth the ordinary Malay was supposed to benefit from. In 20 years the Uputras will continue with a race riot and say the 30% is not yet axcheived.
I hope they make it lawful to shoot down all these scums who rule the Nation soon !!! ...
written by Den, March 18, 2011 16:47:22
I'm living in Sgp n I can tell u dat the Malay bros there are so much more competitive n motivated comparing to fellow Malay across the causeway.. The Mamakthir is only fighting to preserve the wealth for his next kins .. Whether u r White, Chinese, Indian, Iban or Malay, etc., as long as u r human beings, u are talented .. If ur talent is not explored or developed, u are just another pc of stone. When we have brain, use it b4 it's becoming redundant. It's not too late to stand up n discard the wheelchair, why u need wheelchairs when u r not disable...!!!! we also know majority of bumi din enjoy the privileges, because it's non-existent...!!! If u plant papaya seed, u will surely have papaya tree....!!! Pls dun let the scum BN bankrupt our beloving country..!!! We r group of Malaysian born after 1965, we are more Malaysian than Mamakthir..if we have the chance to choose our country of birth, we will not choose to grow up in this Land of Racism.. Asked the Khor toyo, is he more Malaysian than us... ???? He will b the 1st one to flee when the country is bankrupt!!! God bless all of us.. Let's bury BN in next GE!!! ...
written by zachary, March 18, 2011 14:12:47
Let us all be reminded of what BN as a government represents. It is nothing but a sham of a government, not for the people but for its own interests only. The indians are marginalized, who cares! Hindraf is but a mere hindrance, nothing a few water cannons cannot sweep away,with the help of a few MIC bigwigs. MCA, well as long as people like Chua Soi Lek and the MEs of The Star can be controlled, and unsrupulous Chinese businessmen can be granted crumbs and droppings, who cares! They will always come around to vote for the BN votebank. The Malay majority? Keep harping on race and religion, as to how the Chinese have stolen the Malay's wealth, and how the Bibles are a threat to their religion, then the Malay communal mindset will close ranks, and never mind the suffocation of thought and enlightenment in such closed quarters. As long as they see visions of Muslim grandeur in the form of magnificent mosques and seemingly prosperous and affluent Malays, then the Malay community will be as happy as bugs in a rug, kept docile and dutiful.
In another 20 years if BN is not kicked out in GE 13, then Malaysia will truly be bankrupt and destitute. The non Bumis would have migrated and the ones left, hopeless and hungry are 30+ million Malays, wondering how it had happened.
When umno took out non Malays from the civil service and government, the people didn't do anything. When umno took out the judiciary, nobody said anything. When umno is taking away the freedom of religion, the Rakyat of all religious persuasions must say soemthing. Else, when they come to take away whats left, there won't be anyone of sound mind and courage to speak up against the evil. Therefore, GE 13 is the opportunity to put this evil away, and that means the Malays doing something for themselves, deciding to stop what pseudo-Malays are doing to them. It will start with Sarawak soon enough. .
written by earthman, March 18, 2011 13:33:37
Despite the Malays acknowledging that knowledge is power as a recent competition telecast live over RTM, they have failed to know the basic to knowledge. For they have been trained to submit and to follow what is taught them instead of they themselves seeking the knowledge by asking . They have been brain washed from young to believe that what is taught them is truly the right doctrines and correct. They are not taught to seek and ask and knock as Jesus had taught. When Jesus said that he is the Way , the Truth and the Life , we should ask ourselves what does he mean by that . This is exactly what the west are doing and they are the leaders in almost all fields of this world. Can anyone deny that? ( For some who do not understand this . China had become a world power but they are not leader in any field, )
If the Malays are to advance, they must first be set free to test their minds and potential instead of relying on their teachers and Leaders ( who are also ignorant like them ) Only the truth can set all free and not submission to doctrines alone. Pray and ask for wisdom, knowledge and understanding from God alone and not on any doctrines. ...
written by hellosunshine, March 18, 2011 13:33:19
What keeps the Malays down after 53 years of independence and BeEnd rule dictatorship? Without a doubt, it is Umno and their eunuchs in BeEnd. They have done a damn fine job of malicious screwing up our education system and dumbing down generations of Malaysians so that they will be subservient to their lords and masters whilst they send their kids to international schools and foreign universities. ..
written by taxpayer, March 18, 2011 12:10:46
Fortunately , we have the present generation of Malays, who have realised , the filthy games , of the MANUPLATIVE UMNOPUTRAS ! ! The Politicians are giving the poor Malays ' a false sense of security ' with the 'gifts ' kenduris' , scholarships , for low quality students etc, They are made into handicaps , [ unable to use their talents , to prosper ] so dependent on politicians BUT without their knowledge , the Malays are skillfully manuplated , by the greedy politians . The poor Malays are 'keeping ' the politicians , RICH , by blindly [ comatosed ] voting them in, again and again. WAIT FOR A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION [ NEAR FUTURE ] OR THE CONSEQUENCES OF RELEASING GM MOSQUITOS [ WHICH TURNS INTO A MONSTER , BY MUTATION ] THEN IT MIGHT BE TOO LATE TO PRESERVE THEIR ' KETUANAN MELAYU' ! ! ! ...
written by batsman, March 18, 2011 12:03:20
Malays are not stupid voters. Get rid of chauvinism if you really want change.
written by Fart Fart Wah, March 18, 2011 11:54:23
The wealth that is being gasaked by UMNO and elite Malays is not being distributed and kept within the community. TAke for example the TAIB fellow in Sarawak. He married a white woman..his children married he married a lebanese woman. Malay women no class for them. But votes they want Malay votes. If all that wealth and money is taken out because of outside the community marriages then the moneyo keeps flowing out. This rascal set up businesses outside the country run by other people ..not Malays so again all the money goes out and others become wealthy. Why can't he open businesses and develop Malaysia so that Malays can be employed?? Malays no standard...lazy?? and that is what the top elite believe in and show by their preferences for a white lifestyle and buying properties and businesses outside without supporting the community. Why can;t they be like the Chinese..who support one another and open business within the country and employ all races? Why must the government have GLCs so that it can help Malays? CAnt a single Daim Zainnuddin beat the likes of PUBLIC BANK?? Why must he invest outside our country?? Why must (MAS)waste Malay money and be helped again to bankrupt the country?? Why do Sultans too marry outside ..cannot marry malay woman?? I basically think "a large group Malays' are still stupid and taken for a ride by these group of "elite Malay colonialists" They subject them to race and religious politics...knowing that the culture of respect for the leaders is sacrosanct and therefore these stupid Malays do not question them. Until the Malays themselves check this money leak..the Malays will have a problem. Do not forget there are more and more jumping on the bandwagon with conversion to Islam and claiming bumiputraship. And some of these are powerful and have connections to the outside world where money is being channeled out.
So 30% NEP will never end and you will still have the Kerala Dog and his cronies barking for for and more support because you will never be able to keep the money withing the community to enrich ONLY ORIGINAL MALAYS. This bullshit of conversion and becoming a Malay should be stopped. We had one Kerala. You want wealth distribution? Encourage the young ones to intermarry without this bullshit about conversion...maybe 22 years later we do not have to worry about NEP...the 22 years we gave the Keral Dog may not go wasted this time. ...
written by Ocassey, March 18, 2011 11:48:49
The nation badly needs more people with Mariam type mentality as shown in this article of hers ! We do badly require such nature of rational thinking to be in Bahasa Melayu and to be distributed like " leaflets" released from a helicopter zooming across the sky and those leaflets being airborne would glide gracefully downwards into the kampongs, Felda settlements, Malay townships and cities and the hulu interiors of the Peninsular , Sabah and Sarawak to actually transmit such valuable rational thoughts to the naive voters who NEVER failed to give their votes to the UMNO/BN Regime for the past many decades !
written by FreeAsian, March 18, 2011 11:14:32
This is the voice of reason. If all Malays were like Mariam Mokhtar, UMNO would have been history long ago. Unfortunately, a large percentage of rural Malays are being deluded by UMNO and do not realise it. It is time to educate the rural Malays on what true patriotism means - a tolerance of Malaysians of all races, and a wish to free Malaysia of the shackles of injustice and racism fostered by UMNO. How do we start to do this, and are we already too late?
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
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