By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider
KUALA LUMPUR, March 11 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yesterday said the Orang Asli did not have more rights than the Malays to claim Malaysia as their own, as they did not set up their own states and governments.
The former prime minister said giving Orang Asli greater rights to claim Malaysia as their own would be like handing back the United States, Australia and New Zealand to the Native American, Maori and aborigine natives of those countries respectively.
“In Malaysia, the Orang Asli are as much citizens of the country as are the people of other races. They had never set up their own states and governments,” he wrote in his blog yesterday.
Malaysia’s longest-serving prime minister said that when Europeans and even the Japanese occupiers came to Malaysia, they had dealt with and acknowledged the Malay governments.
Dr Mahathir, who is now patron of right-wing Malay rights group Perkasa, has been vigorously defending the special position of Malays of late, and last week dismissed claims that Malays are immigrants just like Chinese and Indians.
Although admitting his Indian roots, he argued that Arabs, Indians and Indonesians who adopted the Malay language, practised Malay culture and embraced Islam have become constitutional Malays through assimilation.
“I would not say I am a Malay or Malaysian of ethnic Indian origin. My mother tongue and home language is Malay, my culture and tradition is Malay and I am a Muslim. The constitution defines a Malay as a person who habitually speaks Malay, practises Malay custom and tradition and is a Muslim,” he had said.
In yesterday’s posting, Dr Mahathir said that it “could be” the case that Orang Asli had populated Peninsular Malaysia before the Malays but argued that world history showed this did not accord them immutable claim to the land.
“If we consider that the Orang Asli have more rights to claim Malaysia as their own then we should acknowledge and respect the rights of the Red Indians, the Maoris, the Australian aborigines and all the other aborigines to be given back the land we now call America, Australia, New Zealand, etc.
“Perhaps in recognition of their rights, they are now not so ill-treated and killed as they were when the Europeans seized their lands. But this is not the same as declaring that the countries belong to the people originally found there,” he said.
Comments (38)...
written by SiHangChai, March 12, 2011 21:34:02
FUNNY, Tun M! Let me reminds the ranking of whom SHOULD BE CALLED Bumiputra in Malaysia ...
based on settlement arrival years before Tanah Melayu
1. Obviously, can't deny, it is Orang Asli
2. Chinese
3. Indians of Hindu descendent
4. Chinese Malay
5. Mahathir's origin race
6. Malaysians
This is a fact in history yet UMNO has distorted to purposely striking rich and disciminate the rest. ...
written by SoundMan, March 12, 2011 10:18:35
Ok, ok, ok the Malays have more rights to Malaya ! But, have these Malays done for the betterment of their lot in this Malaya?
Sod all little ! Need the crutch of a discriminating policy NEP to live off.
Extensive research and published facts has continued to highlight the ghastly waste of nation's resources under the misguided NEP.
written by Merdeka, March 12, 2011 08:57:27
Orang asli, you peoples mati mati vote for BN all these years, sekarang ini yang you orang dapat!
written by Merdeka, March 12, 2011 08:55:18
If his father remains Kerala, he is no body today, because he also orang asli there. Mahathir if you are indian, just claims your right as a indian, don't spin here and there. ...
written by Tompios, March 12, 2011 08:09:12
dasar tukang putar keliling!! we are not talking about who own Malaysia stupido! we are talking the first comers in this land. sure the orang asli is the first comer and then the other races! shame on you tukang putar ligat 7 keliling!! ...
written by Daryl, March 12, 2011 04:09:06
written by Concerned_Citizen, March 12, 2011 00:29:29
Does anyone know when God will call this senile old man home??!!... Shit, I forgot that God denies him.....!!!!! ..
written by cpchen, March 12, 2011 00:19:51
This orang GILA is a real crook evil devil RACIST. Word is hard to describes this hell coming old man. ...
written by Stormquest, March 11, 2011 23:34:03
In December 2002, you stated of Australia, "This country stands out like a sore thumb trying to impose its European values in Asia as if it is the good old days when people can shoot aborigines without caring about human rights".
In February 2011, ordinary Malaysians say of your UMNO/Perkasa-dominated Malaysia, "This country stands out like a sore thumb trying to impose its Ketuanan Melayu (Malay Supremacist) values in Malaysia as if it is the good old days when people can shoot the Orang Asli without caring about human rights".
If I you think that the above is merely a twist on your own words, this is some historical fact to it, as per this website on a dark, and hidden side of Malaysian history, “Slave raids into Orang Asli settlements were not an uncommon feature in the 18th and 19th centuries. The slave-raiders were mainly Malays and Bataks, who considered the Orang Asli as 'kafirs', 'non-humans', 'savages' and 'jungle-beasts.' The modus operandi was basically to swoop down on a settlement and kill off all the adult men. Women and children were preferred as they were less likely to run away and were 'easier to tame.' The Orang Asli slaves were sold off or given to local rulers and chieftains to gain their favour. A considerable trade in slaves thus soon developed - and even continued into the present century despite the official abolition of all forms of slavery in 1884. In fact, the derogatory term Sakai used to refer to the Orang Asli until the middle of this century meant slave or dependent. Many elders still remember this sad period of their history, and all Orang Asli detest being called Sakai”
written by Revolution, March 11, 2011 23:19:20
What about the monkeys ? They were the first for sure ! .
written by pixieface, March 11, 2011 22:42:08
This pariah mamakutty toony is asking for poisoned darts.
Please do us a favour, senile old coo coo, shut up and KO.
A pendatang telling the real bumiputras that they are second class.
Mather fcuker !!!!!!!!!!! ...
written by mikewang, March 11, 2011 22:35:08
Looks like an Indian can also be a Malay if he practices selective amnesia. ..
written by batsman, March 11, 2011 21:58:14
Aisehman - according to this logic, the British should have stayed in Malaya. They created Malaya since prior to this there were only the Malay States and the northern states belonged to Siam at that. In fact the British even created Malaysia. So Malaysia should rightly belong to the British.
This sounds like treason to me. What do you think?
In fact the British should also have stayed in India since they created India from the individual princely states. Maybe then TDMs ancestors would have stayed in India and TDM would have gone to school in India and married an Indian.
written by charli88, March 11, 2011 21:54:58
written by DPG, March 11, 2011 21:36:22
Najib also made a similar speech along such lines. Everybody is Malay as long as you are a Muslim and came from any part of the world, and you practise the Malay culture and speak the Malay language. Everybody, except the Chinese, are called Malays. But not the orang asli and Chinese. By the way, if you ask an Indonesian whether there is a Malay race there, what do you think the answer will be? Malay is just a term coined by the English, and now the Malays have followed it up. And the only addition to the definition is that one must also be a Muslim. This must be the only race in the world where a race is tied to religiion to qualify to become a member of that race. Sheeesh! ..
written by JJFoo, March 11, 2011 21:34:44
If an enemy want to destroy a nation, Mamak would be a perfect agent.
Mamak is full of bullsh*t, segregating and randomly discriminate minorities according to his own whim and fancy. Polarized the ethnics to serve his racist agenda, trapping the so called "Malays" with his warped logic in order to keep a bunch of UMNO crooks in power and destroy the nation in the process.
Mamak himself was a second generation immigrant, similar to millions of other Malaysians but the damages Mamak inflected upon his adopted nation was utterly humongous and irreversible. Malaysia should charge Mamak for committing treason. ...
written by truthbespoken, March 11, 2011 18:09:30
Aaaaah, ptuuui!, another twisted interpretation from this unrepentant evil Indian man cum Malay impostor and now usurper of Orang Aslis' natural rights! ...
written by JC LIU, March 11, 2011 18:04:22
When Malays are the only inhabitants in Malaysia, Mahathir will implement caste system:
KSHATRIYAS(Rulers, Warriors and Wealthy Cronies)
VAISYAS(Government Officers, Umnoputras and Merchants)
SUDRAS(Ordinary Workers)
PARIAH(the poor, illiterates and unfortunates)
So he and his family will legitimately become the Brahmans. .
written by a guest, March 11, 2011 17:44:24
..dear senile oldman, stop your filthy utterings and leave us in peace. once the present government falls the first thing they'll do is put you in court and confiscate all your foreign properties. look what is happening to your soulmate gadaffi. his house is confiscated by the people of London for the Libyans. be sure we'll do the same to you!! ...
written by greenpeas, March 11, 2011 17:26:46
This is a dangerous game he plays, planting seeds of discord, nurturing racism and sowing hatred. Senility is no excuse for such actions. Even the Grim Reaper gives him a wide berth! Shouldn't we lock him up in some mental institution and throw away the key? ...
written by theAlphamale, March 11, 2011 16:08:20
That's not true. The Maoris are treated with repect in New Zealand. They have special ownership over the lands and seas. So those who want to fish has to pay some sort of tax to the locals; Maoris. In Bolehland tax is paid highly and in every aspect to the government. In return they will try build 3rd class quality infrastructure at high costs of 1st class. Now if Beer End rules another term, they'll charge another tax; GST. Even the beer end supporters will feel this pinch. But well, Beer End followers don't mind paying to a corrupted regime... ..
written by ramamanian, March 11, 2011 16:07:38
i wouldn,t be surprised if this mamak mahathai worships the devil.
written by pinsysu, March 11, 2011 16:07:13
The Dr Mad ... the only thing u hv done for tis country is to continue to destroy it ... even from ur grave. ..
written by singhkris, March 11, 2011 15:15:18
I got this in my email. I wonder who the writer is referring to?
A stray pariah dog wandered into a Malay compound one day. The Malays being kind and simple took care of the pariah dog.
Everyday the pariah dog barked at strangers and the Malays thought... ok let’s keep this pariah dog and for it barks for us.
As the days went by the pariah dog became more and more brave.
It now knew that the Malays could be manipulated and decided to write a book on the Malay Dilemma and barked and barked saying that the strangers (Chinese and Indians) were taking away their food and rights.
The Malays listened and trusted it. They kept feeding it and it kept barking and barking until one day it took over the whole compound. This time if any Malay protested it bit them.
Many were bitten if they did not agree or go along with him.
The Malays now do not know what to do with this stray pariah dog keeps barking and barking... today the pariah dog has successfully barked and separated Malays from the others.
Once upon a time the Malays, way before this stray pariah dog came, no one saw colours, no one saw religion.
By a twist of fate this stray pariah dog is now worshipped today as pedigree dog by a group of his own stray pariah dogs. It's high time they put the stray pariah dog to sleep before the whole village is destroyed. ..
written by singhkris, March 11, 2011 15:13:47
warped logic from a warped mind! What did Malaysia do wrong to deserve a pervert like this? ..
written by Stormquest, March 11, 2011 15:10:56
Dear Dr. Mahathir,
We, the people of Malaysia, are tired of your lunatic and racist ways. Please enjoy your retirement and leave the country in peace.
It is bad enough that the Indians and Chinese face UMNO/Perkasa’s racist rants. Now you want to take it out on the absolutely defenseless Orang Asli, with your idiotic claim that “the Orang Asli did not have more rights than the Malays to claim Malaysia as their own, as they did not set up their own states and governments”.
It is a fact that the Orang Asli were the first migrants to come to Malaysia, as ascertained by genetics and other archaeological data. It is also the fact, that the “Malays” are not a genetically homogeneous group, but made up of numerous groups (Javanese, Boyanese, Achinese, Bataks, Minangkabaus, Korinchis, Jambis, Palembang, Other Sumatrans, Riau-Linggans, Banjarese, Bugis, Arabs, Mamaks, Kakas, etc). All came at different periods of time, and are still coming.
We realize that you are ignorant of genetic, linguistic, historical and archaeological facts, but please do not display your ignorance in public.
We challenge you to show us rock solide historical evidence that the Malays were the first to set up their own states and governments. We know that you can’t simply because everything that the Malays learned about statehood and governments prior to the arrival of the Europeans, came from the Indians.
You should know. You were Prime Minister, which in the Malay language is “Perdana Menteri”. Perdana menteri comes from the Sanskrit pradana mantri (or pradhanamantrin).
Raja comes from the Sanskrit raja.
Putera comes from the from Sanskrit putra "royal son" (prince)
Pertiwi comes from the from Sanskrit p?thivi, where "Prithvi" is the mother goddess of the earth. She is a national personification in Indonesia, where she is known as Ibu Pertiwi ('Mother Earth').
Negara from Sanskrit nagara
So Mahathir, please leave the real bumiputera (also from Sanskrit, bhumiputra) alone. We have had enough of your nonsense. ...
written by DORALL, March 11, 2011 14:44:49
What is so difficult to understand about this that Dr Mahathir ends up writing rubbish?
What were the Malays (as now constitutionally defined) BEFORE Islam came to Malaysia?
They were the Orang Asli (as now described) of the region, and when those indigenous peoples living along the coast converted to Islam they became eventually to be called Malays, while those indigenous people (whom all anthropologists agree are members of the Malay race) who did not convert came to be known collectively as the "Orang Asli."
Exactly the same happened in the Philippines.
There were indigenous peoples all over the islands, speaking local dialects. When the Spaniards came, those in the lowlands converted, and became known as "Filipinos" (subjects of King Philip of Spain). Those who were never subjugated by the Spaniards (tribal people in the mountains, and the Muslims in the Southern Philippines) became what are now known as "national cultural minorities." The new Christian majority were taught by the Spaniards to look down on those who did not convert and accept Spanish rule as "heathens" and "savages."
You may also see that the same happened in Thailand, Burma etc.
The arrival of Buddhism created a new majority living in the lowlands who adhered to the imported religion and its culture. The others who were not converted to Buddhism, and who retained their pre-Buddhist animistic beliefs, were regarded by the new Buddhist majority (which brought with the religion the ideas of kingship, the state, and government) as "outsiders."
Mahathir is saying exactly this.
Islam (which arrived from OUTSIDE the region) brought with it kingship (mixed, of course, with ideas from India whose influence in coastal Southeast Asia pre-date by centuries Islam) the notion of the State and government, and somehow he argues (just like the Christian Filipinos, and the Buddhist Thais argue in their respective countries) that this legitimizes the ascendancy of those who converted to foreign religions over those of exactly the same racial stock who resisted external cultural colonization (Islam in Malaysia, Christianity in the Philippines. Buddhism in Thailand, etc, etc). In other words, instead of praising those who remained true to their original cultural beliefs, those who capitulated and converted to outside religions and cultures now have the audacity to look down on their own who resisted, and even disown them!
Mahathir has absolutely NO understanding of the true cultural history of his own people (the Malay race as genetically, not constutionally, defined) and their heroic struggle AGAINST the religious, cultural and political colonization from people from outside the region.
Mahathir, shockingly denigrates the very indigenous people who succeeded against all odds to preserve their indigenous beliefs and cultures. He, instead, and he may not even realize it, praises those who did not resist, and who allowed themselves to be converted (willingly or otherwise) to beliefs and culture that are plainly not indigenous to the region.
Just because one is now a Muslim (Malaysia/Indonesia), or a Christian (Philippines), or a Buddhist (Mainland Southeast Asia) does not give one the right to re-write the cultural history of the region, and spread falsehoods about that history. ..
written by gungadin, March 11, 2011 14:30:04
Only in Malaysia do we have this argument over who has more claim to the country and who has more rights.
Everywhere else civilised all citizens have equal rights.
I thought this type of thinking died out with Nazi Germany. .
written by onnetline, March 11, 2011 14:25:34
Satu daripada golongan syaitan dan perkauman ............. Toon MahaTahi a/l India ! ...
written by NottyMaus, March 11, 2011 14:12:30
Oh mamakuteh, you claim to be constitutional malay; based on the same constitution, we are already constitutional malaysians.
So what fcuking else do you want from us ? Even if we exchanged our culture for yoursd, what good and what difference will that make ? You'll just as soon continue to call us beggars and pendatangs.
And what the hell is so good about that culture you want us to assimilate into ? Your culture that condones cheating, corruption and so much raping and killing !
Go now, mamakuteh go faraway, to hell please..... ...
written by eloofk, March 11, 2011 14:04:09
This confirms my suspicion that he is trying ways and means to put himself as the "Lord of the Malays" or in the eyes of the Malays, their Hero by speaking well of them!
Behind his well-masked face is a fake who make use of the Malays to protect him and his family for all that he has amassed and the damage that he had done to the country and to the people and families that he had destroyed!!!
Good Lord, pray that all those Malays who still thinks that he is their Saviour and Saint, better wake up soon cos they have been taken for a very long ride by this master crook!!! ...
written by AlwaysFair, March 11, 2011 14:02:19
""The constitution defines a Malay as a person who habitually speaks Malay, practises Malay custom and tradition and is a Muslim,” he had said.""'
The Law of Morality reveal to us that a person who habitually seeks to sow discord, practises corruption and LIES is a child of Satan himself.
Is your religion so skin-deep only that you just focus on the external like gender, race, custom that you've forgotten to be a good and decent human being to love all the rakyat that Allah has placed in your care? Instead you have used your position to create laws to discrminate your people by whatever means of classification in order to enrich yourself.
Hitler claims he was of the superior Aryan race so what? We only remember him for his genocides. Even we expect to be treated well in another country not to mention in our own country of birth .Racism can never be justified because all are created equal b4 our Creator. ...
written by albert zacharias, March 11, 2011 13:42:37
If like that Chinese's claims to Malaysia is stronger than orang Asli and Malays put together because they set up biz and make the country prosper!!!!
written by Taikohtai, March 11, 2011 13:40:40
So using TDM's own logic, the aborigines in Australia also have no claims to the country. Yet TDM always bashes Australia as big bullies despite MABO win and the aborigines have equal rights in the courts, something totally missing in Malaysia. TDM is way, way out in his arguments. Senility is now his middle name. ...
written by hellosunshine, March 11, 2011 13:38:57
The OA have never asked for more rights than the Malays, Toon Nynayuk!!! All they asked for is the same rights as the Bumis, that's all. I have never hated and cursed a fellow human being as much as I have been doing on this Toon. Oh I forgot he's not a fellow human being, he's sub human and a Devil incarnate.
written by Pegasus, March 11, 2011 13:36:19
Just one word apanama? Senile old man! ..
written by earthman, March 11, 2011 13:33:20
You are getting weirder each day and speaking nonsense, Tun Mahathir. In USA, New Zealand or Australia, all are equal before the law and constitution . The laws are set up by the Europeans or whites but all are treated as equal. But here in Malaysia , the constitution and laws are set up by our fore fathers from all ethnic groups but yet you want to claim sovereignty for only your so call Malay? You are a lunatic to talk like this . Blind to the facts and truth. May the devil comes out of you with God;s help in the name of the Lord. Yes Lord. ...
written by HamChak, March 11, 2011 13:27:22
Bloody TU Shit BangsatPariahMaMakThief, you really a LOWEST of the LOW.
You twist and turn as and when it suit you.
You a Pariah from Kerala, just admit it, lah.
You are such a THICK skin Tu!
Claiming to be a Malay when you are not !
You and your F**king family really a DISCRACE to the Malay gentlemen of Malaysia.
Ask la how many past PM are daily CURSE by the Ra'ayat?
YES, only a Pariah like you get ALL the cursing.
DENGAN NAMA ALLAH YANG MAHA PENGASIH LAGI PENYAYANG, UCAPAN SELAWAT & SALAM BUAT NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W SERTA KELUARGA BAGINDA Assalamualaikum ILMU (KNOWLEDGE), AMAL (PRACTICE), IMAN (CONVICTION) AND AKAL (COGNITIVE INTELLIGENCE) are the basis of this blog that was derived from the AKAR concept of ILMU, AMAL, AKAL and IMAN.From this very basic concept of Human Capital, the theme of this blog is developed i.e. ILMU AMAL JARIAH which coincidentally matches with the initials of my name IAJ.
Dr Ismail Aby Jamal

Born in Batu 10, Kg Lubok Bandan, Jementah, Segamat, Johor
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